Sunday, October 30, 2005

Oh, what a day!!

I am trying to stop smoking, I have effectively run everyone away from me because of my addiction. I am trying very hard not to pick one up even tho every thing in me wants to pick them up. I even tried the "why the heck did I try this" or "yea I'm going to be fatter than I am now if I stop" oh then the classic blame everyone else around me for my nasty habit. I have sent my husband out side to smoke so now if he tries to come up and kiss me or hug me I smell the smoke and I do not want him near me because I want a cig so badly.
I am about to go into the back room and crochet to give my hands something to do. I don't know what I'm going to do at work tomorrow not smoking. I live for my breaks so I can go smoke. Oh good grief!!! This is about stupid!! Well if anyone reads this and has any advice please pass it along. I have smoked since I was 13 and I"m 40 now.
Ok enough.
I said yesterday that I was going to post some pictures of some of my work but I came in here to use my camera and its not charged. Apparently the oldest thought it would be cool to leave it on so the battery would run down. So, as soon as I can get the battery charged I will take some pictures and post them here and on my website. Oh that's another thing I have to get to working on my site.

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