Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! My family wishes everyone a safe and prosperous new year. In other words we hope that ya'll are healthy and wealthy all year long.

I made my very first sweater today. It's a baby sweater Baby It's Cold Outside sweater. It was pretty easy to do. Since I had never made one before I thought this one would be easy enough to give a try for the first time. I don't think I quite did the the buttons right but it looks pretty good to me I think.

Friday, December 22, 2006


I did it, I finally finished shopping! I didn't think it possible but it finally happened. Well, I finished running all over town buying stuff but I have 2 other things I'm waiting to come in the mail. They should have been here a couple of days ago but you know the US Mail service is rather slow. I just hope they get here tomorrow or it will be next week before they do. And one of mine that I bought myself, yes I bought myself something, hasn't gotten here either. But I'm sure that it will probably be here by Tuesday and that's fine. I bought myself another camera. I now will have 2 film camera's and a Digital. A Nikon and a Minolta 35 mm SLR and the Nikon CoolPix P4 digital. Now I'm looking at a Canon to go with the collection. I have to get the Nikon fixed which I'm going to do after Christmas. I thought I was going to be able to do it before but money ran short. But thats ok no problem, I will get it done very soon. I love the pictures the Nikon takes so I can't wait to see what the Minolta does.

I hope that everyone has a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas pictures

The city had Breakfast with Santa last weekend and I took Tori and Shelby to see him. Yes I know the are a bit big for Santa but being a mom I wanted pictures again this year with him.

Shelby wondering if this was a good idea or Santa telling him to get off his knee because he is to dang big.

Tori hamming it up for the camera. And she does it so well.

Shelby decided he liked Santa.

Then there was Cody who wouldn't get out of bed that early to go with us, well he is 16 and God forbid he is seen sitting in Santa's lap. The world would come crashing in. So I made the boy stand in front of the tree at home and take his picture.
Cody making his mom happy by taking a picture not making a horrible face or wearing the dang earring.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Tequila Friday

By the time Friday got here I had absolutely had it. Worked sucked last week, home life sucked last week, seems like everyone I talked to or everything I touched I messed it up or got talked to like crap. So after all the running of the kids on Friday evening I called a friend and asked her to go have a drink with me. Now, I am not much of a drinker but I do like some tequila every now and again. And Friday the tequila bottle was calling my name. She and I met at a local Mexican restaurant, which happens to be my favorite, and we had dinner and I had about 3 very strong Margarita's. My friend that works there came by the table and asked if I wanted another one and I told him YES and more tequila. So he obliged and brought me a strong one. By the third one I had a great buzz going and had to say no more. We sat there for a few more minutes then had to get out of all the smoke into fresh air. It felt great to get out of the house with a friend and didn't have to worry about the kids or anything else. I haven't gotten to do that in a long while.

Saturday my Mom and I got up and went to a bunch of estate sales. Boy did we find some great deals on some items and had a great time doing it.

I have spent all day today either doing laundry or baking. I have made white chocolate macadamia nut cookies and bourbon balls. I still have to dip the bourbon balls in the chocolate. I'm going to make some peanut butter balls and I want to make some divinity as well. This is the first Christmas that I have even wanted to make candies and cookies in a long time. I used to do it all the time but haven't had time in the last few years.

Monday, December 04, 2006


I went shopping with my mother n law over the weekend and let me tell you, that woman can shop. Holy cow, she about wore me out. Not only did she shop with me on Saturday but then my husband and her got up on Sunday and went and did more shopping. I had a hard time keeping up with her but we had a great time. Especially since we went to eat at Olive Garden. I think I rolled out of there I ate so much.
I can't even start my shopping for another week. Yes I know I cut it short this year but the money hasn't been there. Since we bought the house it has been rather slim around the homestead. I'm not complaining quite the opposite. I'm very satisfied with the house and so is everyone else in the family. No one is going to go without and we are so much more blessed than a lot of people in the world so there is no complaint.
I took a bunch of pictures Thanksgiving week while we were in Texas visiting the grandparents. Here are a couple I did in black and white, plus one that is two of my kids and their granddad making the face that only they can make so well.