Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I finished it!! And as promised here is a picture of my daughter showing it off.

Thanks to Bron and to Deneen for helping me out with this one, you guys rock!!

You can see how small she is, I made that sweater the smallest size because she is so small.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I was wrong I was sick all weekend and still sick today. I made it to work but I'm miserable and would really like to be home on the couch not doing anything but crocheting the last sleeve. See Here is the unfinished sweater which I hope to be a finished sweater and my daughter showing it off this evening.
I actually took this picture at work with my camera phone so its not the greatest but will at least show it off for now. I promise to post a picture as soon as it is finished and I can get her to put it on.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Not allergies...

Ok so its not allergies I guess I have a plain ole cold. My head hurts, my sinius' are on fire, my ears are stopped up and my throat hurts, in fact I feel so bad I missed my daughters last soccer game of the season last night and didn't get to go to the knitting group last night. Tori made another goal last night and I missed it but I couldn't pick up my head off the couch to go see it.
I'm going to take some medication and go back to bed and maybe I will feel better and not be sick all weekend.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Allergies....so much fun

Up until the last couple of years I had never had allergies of any sort, now is a completly different story. Tuesday afternoon when I got off from work Gary and I went out back to cut the yard for the first time of the year. All the dead grass, dirt, pollen and whatever else was under all that caused some of the most sneezing I have done all year long. My nose is now running, my head hurts, I'm sneezing, and my throat is raw from the drainage. Yuk!!! It's all allergies! I took a Clariton this morning but its not touching it either, well I say its not but really it is. I'm also so sleepy. The dogs kept Gary and I up from about 3am to 4:30am. Sucks. Dakota was coughing (he's not sick he has allergies of the sinius' too and he hacks up well you really don't want to know) till he woke us up. I got up to let him out of the house and then to get some water. I got him settled down then London wouldn't come back in the house. I can't leave her out because she is a great escape artist, finally I got her in the house. Then Indigo started up cleaning his paws and one of the cats started scratching on the bed. I finally yelled out will you animals stop it and for some weird reason they actually did.
I took a half of day off today to get the front yard cut, now I'm feeling worse since I'm stubborn and couldn't wait until Gary got home. Tori has her last school soccer game this evening and I have to be there but gosh I need to go to bed and stay there.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Just another day

Gosh that title seems so glum. Not really feeling all that glum but in desperate need of a vacation from this place. I really shouldn't be bitching to much because I have gotten 2 raises in the last month and no I'm not that good they were just to put us where what we should have been making. See we didn't get a cost of living raise last year. Normally every year at budget time they would give us a percentage across the board for a cost of living raise but they were not able to last year so they made up for it now. I am very happy to have gotten it and have no complaint it will be much easier for my family now, but even still I need a vacation away from here, a solid week that I don't have to worry about here and I can work in my flower beds, knit or crochet or hang out with my kids somewhere. I do have a vacation coming up in May but geez that's May and the end of May at that. I really just need to hush because I'm lucky to even have a job and a good one at that.

On to fiber related things, I still haven't sewn the sleeves in that sweater I will eventually but I just don't want to right now. I'm still working on the other sweater and the Charles Tahki sweater as well. I'm having problems with the Tahki one and might need some help...**wink wink Deneen**. I'm following the pattern but somehow I think I'm not reading it correctly. I also received some wonderful wool yarn from a swap I did on Crochetville from my partner. All of it is wonderful and I can't wait to find something to use it for. Last week my daughter and I went to the new yarn shop in Hernando to sit and knit with the owner and some other wonderful ladies. I had so much fun and can't wait till tomorrow to get to go again. They are all so nice and so very interesting to talk to. Learning new stuff from them is going to be great!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Die - T

Yea you know what a diet is, it is DIE with a T!! Garfield had it right the first time around. I'm not really dying I just know in order to loose this weight I have to control what I eat. Oh I can eat anything I please just as long as it comes to the number of calories that I have limited myself to. I'm not starving or hurting myself I'm eating well and making better choices and nor am I beating myself up when I screw up but a cheeseburger and fries sound like a dream right now. To be perfectly honest I will be not eating so well this weekend because we will be driving to/in South Carolina for the weekend which means road food and eating out a lot. I refuse to give up and will make the best choices possible while I'm on this trip but I know it w0uld be stupid for me to assume that I won't make a bad choice.
I have lost 13 lbs so far and have a long way to go but can do it no matter what. Gary has been a wonderful support partner in this. He knows how important it is to me to loose this extra poundage that I have put on and been to lazy to get my fat butt up and loose it. I found a great website that helps count calories, fat and the whole shabang for you all you do is enter in what you ate. I love this site and recommend it to anyone that wants to loose some extra. Its:


Check it out if you want its pretty cool I think.

Monday, March 05, 2007

After I posted this morning, I went and got in the bed. I was freezing so I had sweat pants on, covered up with two quilts and still was cold. I didn't wake up till around 12:30 and decided I needed to get up. I ran a low grade fever for most of the day and my head is still pounding. Ahh the joys of feeling like crap. No matter what I have to go to work tomorrow even if I'm dying.

Monday Blues

I swear I feel like poop. I stayed home from work because my head was pounding and my nose stuffy but now...dum dum dum.....dum my throat hurts and I feel like warmed over poop. I know that was really a gross analogy but it is the truth. It's been a rather hard weekend to tell the truth. The man that married Gary and I, is dying. He has had heart conditions for a long time and has a pace maker. He had been in the hospital about 3 weeks ago and got out of bed, fell and broke his foot. They got that fixed up so about 2 weeks ago he got up out of bed, fell again this time breaking his hip. He had surgery week before last for that. But he is slowly going down hill. He's about unresponsive and they took him off his meds which they say was keeping him alive and have only given him about 4 days. He's 93 years old and his lived a good life. I have known this couple since I was 6 weeks old. Raggie was my babysitter from 6 weeks till about 12 years old so I spent my entire childhood with them. He was 86 in the picture with me on the day he married us. Oh and thats my shadow, Shelby he was about 4 there.

I have almost finished that sweater that I started weeks ago. I have to put the sleeves in then its pretty much done. I screwed up, when I bought the yarn I didn't check lot numbers (I know how stupid). When I bought it, the yarn had been intended for something else I guess that was about 2 years ago. Anyway, the color is a not a big difference but it is noticable. Everyone that has seen it thinks it looks cool because of the way the color changes so I guess its ok for my first. I have no plans to frog it because my daughter thinks its cool that way and she said she would wear it. I will post a picture later of it, after I get the sleeves in.