I got up this morning thinking that this was going to be a good day. It looked like rain outside, for those of you who now think I'm crazy we have not had a good rain in months we are in a drought so rain is very appealing to me right now. I got good sleep last night, thanks to the @Estroven that I'm taking, I have had it with the damn night sweats, if I wanted to wake up wet I would sleep in the pool. The kids were all in decent moods and better than all my husband has a job interview with a new company today that might actually pan out. So I thought it might be a good day, UNTIL..... After I got up this morning I went to let the dogs out, thinking that I might want to go and check the fence to see if my smart son actually fixed the fence back, its gerryrigged, so the dog wouldn't get out, so the female escape artist that we have wouldn't get out and we wouldn't be chasing her all over the neighborhood. Lo and behold even after the speech last night about please go and make sure the fence is fixed and everyone in the house saying its OK the fence was not fixed and she was heading for it. So, I go outside in my underwear, not that you wanted to know that, to fix the fence. One of the items that we use to block the fence till someone will fix said fence is my wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow is full of something, I'm thinking grass clippings and bark from a tree (I don't know the answer to that one) and as I went to move it back into its prime place of blocking the fence it dropped on my foot. My foot hurts so bad!! There I stand out in the back yard at 6:30am, in my underwear, cussing at the fact that the boy didn't listen and my husband didn't go check and that we have to even block the damn fence because she will get out and get hurt. See that would be a perfectly good reason for me to stay home. Dropping a wheelbarrow on your foot at 6:30am should be a reason. And I really want to stay home, I would work from home if I could make what I'm making now and the bills would get paid but right now I have to go to work, I hate it!!!
My oldest son has the opportunity to go to Europe over spring break. I just don't know how the hell I can afford it for him. We can not come up with 2500.00 by November there is no way. They want us to come up with 100.00 this week then another 150.00 more in the next two weeks then 450.00 a month till November. No freaking way. I wish there was a way. I have looked into every possible way and I can't find it. Gary and I really hate it, we would really like to see him go what a great experience it would be for him. He would be going to England, Paris and then take the night train over to Italy. I so wish he could go.
I am loving Raverly what a place. I have already been trading yarn and making new friends, found old friends, I'm having a ball!!! I have been working on a pattern out of Wonder One Skein, the pattern in Bamboo Baby. I have had all kinds of problems with this one, well I found a girl that had made the same one and she had thought far enough ahead to take pictures as she went and the different pieces once they were finished. What a help she was to me!!
I'm telling ya Raverly rocks!!!