I swear I feel like poop. I stayed home from work because my head was pounding and my nose stuffy but now...dum dum dum.....dum my throat hurts and I feel like warmed over poop. I know that was really a gross analogy but it is the truth. It's been a rather hard weekend to tell the truth. The man that married Gary and I, is dying. He has had heart conditions for a long time and has a pace maker. He had been in the hospital about 3 weeks ago and got out of bed, fell and broke his foot. They got that fixed up so about 2 weeks ago he got up out of bed, fell again this time breaking his hip. He had surgery week before last for that. But he is slowly going down hill. He's about unresponsive and they took him off his meds which they say was keeping him alive and have only given him about 4 days. He's 93 years old and his lived a good life. I have known this couple since I was 6 weeks old. Raggie was my babysitter from 6 weeks till about 12 years old so I spent my entire childhood with them. He was 86 in the picture with me on the day he married us. Oh and thats my shadow, Shelby he was about 4 there.

I have almost finished that sweater that I started weeks ago. I have to put the sleeves in then its pretty much done. I screwed up, when I bought the yarn I didn't check lot numbers (I know how stupid). When I bought it, the yarn had been intended for something else I guess that was about 2 years ago. Anyway, the color is a not a big difference but it is noticable. Everyone that has seen it thinks it looks cool because of the way the color changes so I guess its ok for my first. I have no plans to frog it because my daughter thinks its cool that way and she said she would wear it. I will post a picture later of it, after I get the sleeves in.
I am sorry about your friend. It's tough aging in general and when people you have known your entire life start passing away, it's horrible. The whole "Circle of Life" thing kinda blows.
Sorry you feel like poop-my dd asked me last week if I knew what poop felt like, so I shall send her to you when the question comes back up (LOL)
I can't wait to see the picture of the sweater.
You look beautiful in that picture btw.
Thanks Deneen. I do appreciate your comments. It is tough watching Raggie go thru this and I wonder what is going to happen to her when he is gone.
Thanks for the compliment I sure wish I was at that weight now, working on it but its going to be a bit.
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