Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Day Before the 4Th

Tomorrow is a holiday, not just any holiday but the birth date ( or what we celebrate as being) of America's freedom from the British. A day of barbecue, fireworks, watermelon and just plain fun. I'm sure down here in the south its going to be sweltering with temps as high as the humidity. We will all be melting like a Popsicle laying on a sidewalk in 100 degree heat as we hang our heads over our grills charring the meat that the families will be consuming. My family will probably stay in the house to avoid the heat. Gary might throw something on the grill don't know yet what is going to happen. Frankly I would be happy just hanging in the house playing video games and or knitting. I might even play Everquest all dang day to annoy the heck out of my oldest son, or rather he will annoy me telling me that I don't know how to play the game correctly. And I have a sock that needs completing. Oh I know the chores, that I can't stand to let go for not even one day, will have to be accomplished but there will be time left. I'm sure that the neighborhood kids will be in the pool either at my house or down at the other neighbors house that has a pool as well. So that means tons of towels to launder and puddles of water of feet prints running from the back door thru the laundry room out the door to the garage but hey its all in the name of fun. I just wonder what our fore-fathers, what they would think about all the carryings on of today. I'm actually looking forward to having a day off and not having to feel guilty taking it either, even with the kids home. I tell you this, I'm looking somewhat forward to the kids going back to school. On one hand, I love it because they are home, they do the chores but they give me headache arguing with each other, they make sure the dogs get outside to take care of business, but they argue with each other. School at least gives them something to do to keep them busy but then I wind up spending a bunch of time going to the office because the youngest can't stay out of trouble (I'm thinking this new year he will do better, he is getting older). I am going to take off a day after they go back to school just to regroup. Ahh there's the ticket, regroup. I do need to do that and get some priorities back in perspective.Ok back to the grind of work, hope all ya'll are having a great day and I wish you all a very Happy Fourth!!!

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