I have finished one of Deneen's Bubble Blanket and a Sweater. I used the SLK pattern for most of the sweater but some of it I just added on. I had so much fun crocheting this for the couple I'm giving it to.

I am still working on a scarf that goes with a hat that I gave my coworker for Christmas. I wasn't able to get the scarf finished in time but I'm finishing it this weekend and giving it to her next week. Then I am going to make me a scarf. I haven't made myself anything since I started knitting or crocheting. So I bought myself some alpaca and I'm going to learn to cable by making me a scarf. Whoo Hoo!!
Pretty, pretty-they are going to love the set!
Thanks Deneen.
I want a scarf. Orange a white with a big white T at the end. *fluttering eyelashes* My birthday is in April. *wink wink*
Fluttering eyelashes LOL. Oh and I know who!
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