Sunday, July 23, 2006

New House Pictures

Here are a few pictures of our new house. From the inside out its a nice house. Please excuse the pictures and such sitting in boxes and on the floor I haven't been able to buy a new entertainment center yet so I'm not sure this is where everything is staying and we are going to get new furniture in the next few months because what we have is about ugly and I think I would rather sit on the floor but the rest of the family won't let me get rid of it yet until we have something new. It will happen but probably not till after Christmas. We have other priorities to pay before we can add on another bill somewhere. Anyway here it is:

This is the outside and the living room I will post more of the rest of the house in a few.


Deneen said...

What a fantastic house! I love the inside and outside equally.

As for furnishing, take your time-don't go too hog wild at first and soon everything will fall into place.

Enjoy it!

ThreeOliveMartini said...

i LOVE it ..

i am gonna come see it someday .. and you will have to make me something on the grill LOL

Carol said...

You come anytime you are in the area and we will cook for you. We love to have company and my husband loves to entertain. Door is open anytime.