Sunday, July 23, 2006

Oh No!!!!!

Oh no....... it can not be time already for the eldest to be able to drive!! Cody is 15 and has bought and paid for his own truck. He actually bought it from a neighbor about 3 months ago but we couldn't get it moved because the fuel pump needs to be replaced. Finally today Cody and some of his friends got the truck moved to our house. He has to get some stuff fixed on it and get the tags and finally get his insurance before he starts to drive. I'm so proud of him he worked and paid for this truck all on his own. He is so giddy right now I don't know if any of us can bring him down of his cloud. I remember my first car, a 1977 Camero. Of course I didn't work to pay for it my parents bought it for me. I loved that car and was always working on it. I had friends that were mechanics and we always were doing something to my car or someone Else's car. It was cheaper that way. I couldn't work on a car now for nothing, however I do still know some of the basic stuff and am trying to teach Cody some stuff. Hehe like hes going to listen to me, mom doesn't know anything right now, LOL.

On the crochet and knit front, I have started my first graph gahn and its going ok for the first one but I'm not sure it is right but its the first. The back is looking a bit like when I do cross stitch but I'm not sure how else it could look. I suppose I will figure it out. I think it looks rather cool except for the back of it.

It's longer than what I took the picture of. I hope it turns out because it is for my youngest child, he has a thing for Elvis.

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