Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Boy its hot!!

Good grief its hot!! It is 99 degrees here right now with a heat index of 101. Tomorrow the temp is suppose to be 101 who knows what the heat index is going to be. I hate the heat, it is to hot to do anything. I will be so glad when some cooler temps come around.

I haven't written in so long, well since we bought the house and got moved in to it. But outside of moving into the new house and cleaning the old house and going to work, nothing really has gone on. I hadn't been able to do much knitting or crocheting because of my hands. They are getting worse all the time. I'm going to have a nerve conductor test done on Friday for my hands to see if it is the carpal tunnel then I get to make the decision to have the surgery or not. Also, because I have rheumatoid arthritis and it is starting to flair and really hurt my hands I have to go to a rheumatologist (I know I spelled it wrong) in September. I don't really know what a rheu.... whatever it is, does or what he is going to do to me but I sure hope it helps my hands. I would really like to be able to crochet and knit again like I did. I miss it. This all started with me going to the doctor about my huge swollen feet. My co workers ganged up on me and made me go to the doctor. I told them that it wasn't nothing that loosing some weight wouldn't take care of but no they thought it was something else. Ok so I went. I do not have diabetes, my heart is fine, my kidneys are fuctioning just the way they should, my liver is fine and all my blood work is fine except for I have rheumatoid arthritis and the conective tissues and joints are inflammed and hurt like hell. After I quit smoking I gained about 50 lbs give or take some. I hate it and I have been trying to get it off but nothing is working because I'm not exercising. I am running up and down the stairs but outside of that not much else. I'm not lazy I'm tired and its to dang hot to do anything outside. Gary and I are going to start walking in the evenings when it starts to cool off some. And I will be going back to working in my flower beds when it cools off. Whatever it takes. I wish we had access to a pool I would swim laps. I love to swim I think thats my favorite form of exercise.

Its up to 100 degrees again with a heat index of 105. Geez its hot.

Carol L.
The Mississippi Hooker

1 comment:

Deneen said...

Oooh, she blogs finally (LOL). A rheumatologist (you spelled it right) will be able to help you for your joint pain. They will either prescribe some sort of anti-inflammatory drug and/or perhaps, if the arthritis is bad enough, an injection you would give yourself every two weeks or so. The injections aren't so bad-trust me.

You are describing my biggest fear with quitting smoking-unfortunately, the great state of New Jersey has upped taxes once again-smokes cost me almost $6 a pack here, and that's at convenience stores. Some of the machines have em at $10 a pack (casino's, etc). I can't afford to smoke, but damn I don't want to gain a bunch of weight and have to worry about that too.