Monday, March 13, 2006

Horn Lake Explorers

My son is an Explorer. Maybe I should tell you what being an Explorer is. Our police department sponsors a group of young men and women that are interested in law enforcement. Our group are led by a wonderful young man who has done remarkable things with these teens. He is one of our fine officers here in Horn Lake. This weekend they participated in a Police Olympics. Our team of Explorers excelled!! We took home the majority of the gold and silver medals and our group was given the honor of being the color guard for the award banquet. My son was given the opportunity to be apart of the color guard and carried the American flag. I am so very proud of my son. He has come a long way and I believe that he is going to grow into a fine man. This is a picture of him Image hosting by Photobucketin his Explorer Uniform.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Good for him! My brother is a police officer here and has worked with some of hte Explorer group. That is a great program. Congrats to your son. You must be very proud!