Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Four jobs you have had in your life:
City of Horn Lake
First Union National Bank
Union Planters National Bank

Four movies you would watch over and over:
Gone with the Wind
Monsters Inc.

Four places you have lived:
Memphis, TN
Jacksonville, FL
Horn Lake, MS

Four TV shows you love to watch:
CSI: Miami
Will and Grace
Golden Girls
The Nanny

Four places you have been on vacation:
Disney World
Washington DC
Dallas, TX

Four websites I visit daily:
Stitch and Prayer
Crazy Aunt Purl
Desoto Parents

Four of my favorite foods:
More Italian
Tomato Soup

Four places I would rather be right now....
At the Beach
In a Cabin in Gatlinburg
Watching the Iditirod
Piled in my bed with my family watching a movie

Four friends I am tagging that I think will respond....
I dont know which ones would hehehe

Feel free to take this and use it if you want. It was kinda of fun.

See ya,
Carol L.
The Mississippi Hooker

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