Monday, March 27, 2006


This weekend has been another one of those weekends. Gary and I got into an argument, well actually it was more of a blowout (we only do this about once a year so I guess it was coming) and I cried all day Saturday. I should have been over it by Sunday but no I cried all day then too. I don't know why I am so emotional this weekend but I have been. This morning I was cussed out by one of the defendents that come thru here, normally this wouldn't have bothered me at all but this guy got under my skin. I shouldn't have allowed him to get to me that way but as soon as he left I started crying again. He didn't get his way so he took it out on me and my department. My co-workers witnessed it and he was even chased out of the building my the court clerk and an officer. What I should have done is walked away from the window when he started up and let him stand there for a bit. I shouldn't have put up with him. And he called me rude, sheesh!! Hopefully the rest of the day will go along smoothly and I won't have another incident today.


Melissa said...

Awww!!! I hope your day gets better (surely it can't get any worse!)

Carol said...

Thanks, today is better, much better.
