Tuesday, February 21, 2006

To much to do, to little time to do it

I had a great weekend and a day off. Saturday it was only me and the boys, while the eldest drove me crazy with how absolutly bored he was and how he wanted me to drive him somewhere, anywhere it really didn't matter where. Which I wasn't going to do because of the ice on the ground. My youngest stayed curled up on the loveseat watching cartoons. We had lunch and dinner together and I finished my socks, YEA!!! They are ugly but they are warm and they fit my big fat feet. I really should have made them longer on the leg but I didn't take into account that my calves are the size of calves so when I wear them they come just above my ankles. Even so, I am so proud of them that I actually made a pair of socks. I have a ton of sock yarn now because I enjoyed so much making these socks that I want to make more. After I fininshed those socks I started a tote for co-workers daughter to take on a cruise with her. It's crocheted and its just full of fun spring and summer colors. It has a drawstring on the top and the purse part is huge. I can't wait for her mom to give it to her. I told her mom it was for her daughter because she was so good to her mom and took care of her. I have to start an afghan to donate to a charity affair. A gentleman that works for the probation service we use had a massive heart attack and the company doesn't offer insurance so he and his family are very strapped for money to pay bills. His co- workers are holding a benefit for him in a month. They are holding a silent auction in his behalf and so they have asked me to donate something to that cause. No problem. I think I'm going to make the filet ripple I have made before. Its beautiful so I think thats the one I will do. Besides I can get it done quick. I think it will do well in an auction. I hope anyway.

Have a great day,
Mississippi Hooker


Melissa said...

I like the afghan. Very pretty. I hope it does well.

Carol said...

Thank you!! It is really pretty in person. I have a better picture of it on my website.
