Wednesday, February 15, 2006

One of those days.....

It has been the most horrible day!! That person I work with is just plain out to drive me completely out of my mind. Not that I need much help attaining that type of insanity, my kids have helped me out quite a bit. No matter what I say or what I do, I am being rude to her. I don't care if its hello hows your day, its going to come out rude. I have told her and my boss that this the same way I talk to everyone and only she has the problem with it. I'm not bowing down to her or cowering in a corner because she thinks she runs the office, which by the way I am senior clerk in this office. This does not mean I have any authority this means if the head clerk and the other head clerk are out then I'm in charge. Not that I want to be in charge of a woman that has her head stuck so far up her... nevermind you get the point. For two years this crap has been going on and I am now completely sick of it. My direct supervisior says that its the way I say things to her, well I guess I need to sit in my corner and keep my mouth completely shut because nothing I say is good enough. She is going to be able to run the office and be self appointed office manager no matter what. No one in that building works up there with her I am the only one and I hear the crap she pulls and they way she treats people and for some odd reason when things like what happened today happens I get the blame. SHEEEESSHH!! I am just soooo over it all. Ok I need to quit my blood pressure is already up because of this.
On a good note I did however finish my booga bag check this out ya'll
I also completed one sock. Yea I know that it has to have a mate and yes I'm working on that socks mate. The only reason that I'm mentioning this is I am patting myself on the back because it is my first. Yes, I Carol, was a sock virgin. I now have made my first sock and frogged the second. I was about done with the second when I noticed that the heel sucked so I had to start all over. So here is the picture of the lonely sock. It kind of looks like its for an elephant now that I look at it. But it was my first. Wasn't everyones first a bit iffy, wasn't sure if you liked it or not?? Didn't know if you ever were going to try that again?? Oh wait we are talking about socks. I will leave you with that thought if thinking doesnt hurt enough today.

See ya,
The Mississippi Hooker


Melissa said...

The bag looks great and I can't believe how fast you got the sock finished! I'm jealous!

Carol said...

I have been so stressed out that when at home after all the housework is done and while I'm waiting on laudry and instead of watching tv or surfinig the net I crochet or knit. So over the weekend I was able to finish the sock. I'm about half finished with the second but I have to go to work and I have been busy here this week. Thanks for the compliment on the bag, it was so much fun to make.


Anonymous said...

I love your booga bag, I have made several. Nice colors.
Pennie from Illinois

Carol said...

Hey Pennie,
Thank you for the nice compliment. This one was my first and I loved making it. I don't think it is as big as it is suppose to be but it works for me to carry around my yarn and needles so I can knit wherever.

Thanks again,