Monday, November 14, 2005

Worn Out

This weekend has been tiring, don't think I spelled that right. Friday I spent the morning in the dr's office with my oldest then I had a dr's appt. that afternoon. By that evening my mom wanted me to bring my middle child to her house to spend some time with her so we left our house around 5pm. On the way there my kids wanted me to stop at Raggies house (the lady that taught me how to crochet and is like my second mother). I protested but decided that I would stop by anyway. I walked thu the door at her house knowing something wasn't right. She was very upset and crying and Bro. Al was sitting in a chair holding his chest. We thought he was having another heart attack. So I got on the phone with 911 and got help on the way. Once the paramedics got him loaded and on the way to the hospital, I got Raggie in the truck and we took off. Tori and I stayed with them till the nurse and doctors said they were going to keep him there. Thank God it was not a heart attack. The doctor let him go home yesterday and I think at this point all is well. I'm going to get by there this week to check on him. I do wish they lived closer to me so I could take better care of them.
All weekend I have felt horrible. I don't know if I'm coming down with something or I'm just tired. I wanted to just crochet this weekend but it didn't happen that way. I did however finish one of the ponchos I was working on and learned how to make dishtowels. I'm going to work on designing my own as soon as I get my Christmas crocheting done.
More later,
Carol L.

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