Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Better today

Ok, sorry about yesterdays rant, I don't know whats been wrong with me lately. I have been in a rather foul mood about everything. But I think I am better today than I was yesterday and tomorrow I will be better than today. Reason being I am taking a day off with the 2 days of holiday that we get. So I will be off 5 days including the weekend. That is the most time I have had off at one time, excluding the time that I was off when I had surgery last year. I know that tomorrow I have to do some cooking for Thanksgiving but that's about all I have to do. You know the usual, laundry, cleaning of the house that type of stuff but thats ok. I am going to crochet my hands off durning this time.
I'm looking for a pattern to do toppers for dishtowels and I am not having any luck with it. I bought the yarn but can't for the life of me figure out how to do it. I bet it is easy as heck and I'm once again making a moutain out of a molehill. Also, one of the ladies that is on Crochetville made the prettiest afghan!! She was sweet enough to email me and tell me how to do it. Thank you so much Linda!! She makes the prettiest afghans, she really knows how to put the colors together. I think I'm going to try what she taught me to make a poncho and see what it comes out like. If it is weird then I can pull it out and make something else. The beauty of working with yarn, you can always frog it and start over. Oh I love the term "frog" for pulling it out. I said that at the house not long ago and the kids thought I was nuts. Well, they always think I'm nuts. I hope to add more pictures this weekend to my web site and get rid on the one that I really don't like.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, please remember to give thanks for the thorns in your life as well as the petals.
Carol L.

1 comment:

Life's a Stitch said...

I thought that's what blogs are for - a safe place for a rant now and then. Agreeing with your rant,