Well, its that time of year again. I know, I know I ranted and raved the other day and guess what I did. I got up at 4:00 am on the Friday after Thanksgiving with my daugher and joined in the shopping maddness. I had a ball. Now I don't want to quit shopping. My rant was brought on about because my doctor prescibed me a weigh loss drug that I could only take half off. About the 4th day of taking it I really felt I could just strangle anyoen that I came into contact with. So, I had to quit taking them. I haven't taken one in a week and I still have not recovered fully from the side effects. I realy don't think I will ever, ever, ever, EVER be taking that again. Anyway back to the shopping, we had a great time. So when my next paycheck rolls around I'm going to be back at it again. I can't wait. I was hoping that my husband was going to be able to buy the rest of his days the had left for vaction for the year out so we could go ahead and get the shopping done but it hasnt happened as of yet. Oh well!!!
I crocheted the prettiest scarf for my daughter the other night and she just loved it. She left me a note the next morning about how much she loved it and that she wore it to school. I'm working on one for my oldest son too then I have to make my youngest son one as well. I want to make some hats for them but everytime I try to make one it looks like a cone instead of a hat. There is a nice lady on Crochetville who is trying to help me and I'm going to try again this weekeend to see if I can do it. And I want to try my hand at socks boy oh boy.
I will try to take a picture of my daughter and her scarf and put it on here for everyone to see, that s if anyone looks at this blog.
Have a happy hooker kind of day,
Carol L.
A tale of the ongoing life that lies before me and the past that has defined who I am today.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Better today
Ok, sorry about yesterdays rant, I don't know whats been wrong with me lately. I have been in a rather foul mood about everything. But I think I am better today than I was yesterday and tomorrow I will be better than today. Reason being I am taking a day off with the 2 days of holiday that we get. So I will be off 5 days including the weekend. That is the most time I have had off at one time, excluding the time that I was off when I had surgery last year. I know that tomorrow I have to do some cooking for Thanksgiving but that's about all I have to do. You know the usual, laundry, cleaning of the house that type of stuff but thats ok. I am going to crochet my hands off durning this time.
I'm looking for a pattern to do toppers for dishtowels and I am not having any luck with it. I bought the yarn but can't for the life of me figure out how to do it. I bet it is easy as heck and I'm once again making a moutain out of a molehill. Also, one of the ladies that is on Crochetville made the prettiest afghan!! She was sweet enough to email me and tell me how to do it. Thank you so much Linda!! She makes the prettiest afghans, she really knows how to put the colors together. I think I'm going to try what she taught me to make a poncho and see what it comes out like. If it is weird then I can pull it out and make something else. The beauty of working with yarn, you can always frog it and start over. Oh I love the term "frog" for pulling it out. I said that at the house not long ago and the kids thought I was nuts. Well, they always think I'm nuts. I hope to add more pictures this weekend to my web site and get rid on the one that I really don't like.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, please remember to give thanks for the thorns in your life as well as the petals.
Carol L.
I'm looking for a pattern to do toppers for dishtowels and I am not having any luck with it. I bought the yarn but can't for the life of me figure out how to do it. I bet it is easy as heck and I'm once again making a moutain out of a molehill. Also, one of the ladies that is on Crochetville made the prettiest afghan!! She was sweet enough to email me and tell me how to do it. Thank you so much Linda!! She makes the prettiest afghans, she really knows how to put the colors together. I think I'm going to try what she taught me to make a poncho and see what it comes out like. If it is weird then I can pull it out and make something else. The beauty of working with yarn, you can always frog it and start over. Oh I love the term "frog" for pulling it out. I said that at the house not long ago and the kids thought I was nuts. Well, they always think I'm nuts. I hope to add more pictures this weekend to my web site and get rid on the one that I really don't like.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, please remember to give thanks for the thorns in your life as well as the petals.
Carol L.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Too Much
If it isn't one thing its another. I haven't written in about a week because I frankly haven't had any time to write. I had to take my 10 year old to the doctor only to find out that he's ADHD too. My oldest is also. Great, no wonder hes bounces off the walls at home and at school. You'd think that I would have known this considering that the oldest is also ADHD. I haven't gotten to crochet much for all the other mess going on. So finally last night I sat down and crocheted, boy did that feel good.
You know I love Christmas, I love the TRUE meaning of Christmas. I am so sick of the commercialism that has come about at Christmas time. I love the decorations and the food as much as the next person but Christmas is not about what you can get or what you think you should get, its about the gift of God's only son being born. It's a birthday party,its Jesus' birthday. We should be giving Him gifts and the glory instead of maxing out our credit cards so we can be in debt for the next 6 months. I have crocheted several gifts for family members because I can't afford to spend the money this year and I know I'm going to hear some comments about it. Frankly there is more care, love and time put into something I have made more than there is in something I went to the store and bought. Sorry for the rant don't mean to sound so hateful. It's really not that at all. We, meaning all of us on this planet, (well most of us anyway) work our tails off for a paycheck at the end of the week. Instead of saving for what we want, we want instant gratification, I'm just as guilty. Do you know how rich we are making the heads of corporations? Then the government wants to give bigger tax breaks to the rich people while the rest of us who are still working our tails off just to break even with gas prices and utility cost are the ones that are going to pay the taxes that they cut for the rich ones. I don't fault anyone for making it in the world but please don't expect those of us who work and still have nothing to show for it to pay for the riches taxes. Oh geez here I go again. Its just a vicious circle. Besides do we really, really, need everything we want. Wouldn't be better if we were just gratefull to have everything we really need?
You know I love Christmas, I love the TRUE meaning of Christmas. I am so sick of the commercialism that has come about at Christmas time. I love the decorations and the food as much as the next person but Christmas is not about what you can get or what you think you should get, its about the gift of God's only son being born. It's a birthday party,its Jesus' birthday. We should be giving Him gifts and the glory instead of maxing out our credit cards so we can be in debt for the next 6 months. I have crocheted several gifts for family members because I can't afford to spend the money this year and I know I'm going to hear some comments about it. Frankly there is more care, love and time put into something I have made more than there is in something I went to the store and bought. Sorry for the rant don't mean to sound so hateful. It's really not that at all. We, meaning all of us on this planet, (well most of us anyway) work our tails off for a paycheck at the end of the week. Instead of saving for what we want, we want instant gratification, I'm just as guilty. Do you know how rich we are making the heads of corporations? Then the government wants to give bigger tax breaks to the rich people while the rest of us who are still working our tails off just to break even with gas prices and utility cost are the ones that are going to pay the taxes that they cut for the rich ones. I don't fault anyone for making it in the world but please don't expect those of us who work and still have nothing to show for it to pay for the riches taxes. Oh geez here I go again. Its just a vicious circle. Besides do we really, really, need everything we want. Wouldn't be better if we were just gratefull to have everything we really need?
Monday, November 14, 2005
Worn Out
This weekend has been tiring, don't think I spelled that right. Friday I spent the morning in the dr's office with my oldest then I had a dr's appt. that afternoon. By that evening my mom wanted me to bring my middle child to her house to spend some time with her so we left our house around 5pm. On the way there my kids wanted me to stop at Raggies house (the lady that taught me how to crochet and is like my second mother). I protested but decided that I would stop by anyway. I walked thu the door at her house knowing something wasn't right. She was very upset and crying and Bro. Al was sitting in a chair holding his chest. We thought he was having another heart attack. So I got on the phone with 911 and got help on the way. Once the paramedics got him loaded and on the way to the hospital, I got Raggie in the truck and we took off. Tori and I stayed with them till the nurse and doctors said they were going to keep him there. Thank God it was not a heart attack. The doctor let him go home yesterday and I think at this point all is well. I'm going to get by there this week to check on him. I do wish they lived closer to me so I could take better care of them.
All weekend I have felt horrible. I don't know if I'm coming down with something or I'm just tired. I wanted to just crochet this weekend but it didn't happen that way. I did however finish one of the ponchos I was working on and learned how to make dishtowels. I'm going to work on designing my own as soon as I get my Christmas crocheting done.
More later,
Carol L.
All weekend I have felt horrible. I don't know if I'm coming down with something or I'm just tired. I wanted to just crochet this weekend but it didn't happen that way. I did however finish one of the ponchos I was working on and learned how to make dishtowels. I'm going to work on designing my own as soon as I get my Christmas crocheting done.
More later,
Carol L.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Messed up!!
Some how or the other I have messed up the layout on the blog. I realize that I only know limited amouts of html but I know enough that I should figure out why the heck the sidebar where the profile and stuff is way down at the bottom instead of at the top where it is suppose to be. I have printed the code but can not locate where I screwed up. Any ideas would be great.
Well, I'm off work tomorrow HURRAY!! and I'm going in the morning to Hobby Lobby to get myself somemore yarn. Yes I know I'm addicted very addicted but I have to have it to finish the ponchos that I'm working on. I tell you what, as soon as I finish these and the name motif's I'm working on for Christmas I am going to teach myself how to make a shrug. I think they are so cute and if I can do it I'm going to make a ton of them for my daughter. I'm going to attempt to create my own pattern and let her wear them to school. She will love them. Then I want to try my hand at sweaters. My mom wants me to make abunch of scarves which maybe I will those are easy enough and at the price they are going for at the store I can undercut them and still make what I have in them back.
Well, I'm off work tomorrow HURRAY!! and I'm going in the morning to Hobby Lobby to get myself somemore yarn. Yes I know I'm addicted very addicted but I have to have it to finish the ponchos that I'm working on. I tell you what, as soon as I finish these and the name motif's I'm working on for Christmas I am going to teach myself how to make a shrug. I think they are so cute and if I can do it I'm going to make a ton of them for my daughter. I'm going to attempt to create my own pattern and let her wear them to school. She will love them. Then I want to try my hand at sweaters. My mom wants me to make abunch of scarves which maybe I will those are easy enough and at the price they are going for at the store I can undercut them and still make what I have in them back.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Getting ready to crochet
I have found the most wonderful place on the web that I can go and discuss crochet!! Crochetville.org. This is a great place to talk about patterns and get help on patterns and show off work. I am thrilled to have run across it.
I am getting ready to go hide out and crochet. I need some down time. Thank goodness I'm off on Friday and I can crochet all I want to. The kids think they are going to play sick and stay home but they have lost their minds. They are all going to school and I'm going to fart around the house doing what ever comes to mind. If I want to crochet I will, If I want to play Sims all day long I will, If I want to do nothing but lay around the house with the dogs I will. I don't get many days like that, most mothers don't. So I relish the days that I get that chance.
I am getting ready to go hide out and crochet. I need some down time. Thank goodness I'm off on Friday and I can crochet all I want to. The kids think they are going to play sick and stay home but they have lost their minds. They are all going to school and I'm going to fart around the house doing what ever comes to mind. If I want to crochet I will, If I want to play Sims all day long I will, If I want to do nothing but lay around the house with the dogs I will. I don't get many days like that, most mothers don't. So I relish the days that I get that chance.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I guess I'm just hooked or a glutton for punishment. Yes it is true, I love to crochet. Yes, it is true that I love making things for others. A lady at work asked me to make 2 ponchos and not thinking that I had other things to do that I wanted to get done before Christmas got here I said yes. I'm crocheting so fast it is making my fingers fall asleep, (what else is new). I hope to finish these both by this weekend so I can finish my name doilies and I really need to finish one more blanket before it is all said and done. I have my web site up and running and at some point I want to create some patterns to add to my site for others.
You know, I'm so sick of going to work I could scream. I really want to stay home with my kids and open my shop so I can be my own boss and not have to answer to anyone else. Oh sure I know that I have to ultimatly answer to the customer and thats a given, but at least I can run things my own way. I don't have to feel like the low man on the totem pole any more. I just love being the one that is treated like a mushroom around here. One of these days God is going to answer my prayer and let me start my business in a store front somewhere here in my city. I really wish I could be given permission to crochet at work to keep my hands and mind busy when we are not busy. But thats not going to happen. Oh well, life in the workplace.
Also, I would like to home school my youngest son. I know the middle child would have a fit but oh well, thats life. She is doing well in school other than she can't keep her mouth shut and causes problems for herself. However, the youngest is not doing well at all. He is failing and I think I can do a better job teaching him than what this school is. Maybe one of these days hopefully soon my business online will take off and then I can open my shop.
You know, I'm so sick of going to work I could scream. I really want to stay home with my kids and open my shop so I can be my own boss and not have to answer to anyone else. Oh sure I know that I have to ultimatly answer to the customer and thats a given, but at least I can run things my own way. I don't have to feel like the low man on the totem pole any more. I just love being the one that is treated like a mushroom around here. One of these days God is going to answer my prayer and let me start my business in a store front somewhere here in my city. I really wish I could be given permission to crochet at work to keep my hands and mind busy when we are not busy. But thats not going to happen. Oh well, life in the workplace.
Also, I would like to home school my youngest son. I know the middle child would have a fit but oh well, thats life. She is doing well in school other than she can't keep her mouth shut and causes problems for herself. However, the youngest is not doing well at all. He is failing and I think I can do a better job teaching him than what this school is. Maybe one of these days hopefully soon my business online will take off and then I can open my shop.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Oh well!!!
Today was the day that we had to go to Oxford to testify but when we got about a little further than the turn off from where we were suppose to be, we got a call to turn around and head home. Then we got past the exit again this time on the way home and we get another call telling us to turn around again that they needed us anyway. So, we turned around again and went. It was a nice ride and we all chatted up a storm. Sounded like a hen house full of chickens doing all that cacklin' . Hehe. We finally made it back here around 11:00am and had to start work. We were all tired and hungry but still had to come back to work.
I finally finished the blanket I made for someone here at work and was able to bring it to him. He had ordered it for his wife for Christmas. I hope she likes it, I hope she enjoys it as well.
I think tonight I'm going to go home and put on my PJ's and turn in early. I'm tired!! Getting up with the chickens is for the birds. I'm not cooking tonight I think I will go pick up some pizza or something like that.
I have two more ponchos to make and I hope I can get them done in about 2 weeks so I can work on something for me. I want my own afghan but at this rate I will never get one made for me. I also have all these name doilies to make. Yee Haww!!!
Oh well!!
I finally finished the blanket I made for someone here at work and was able to bring it to him. He had ordered it for his wife for Christmas. I hope she likes it, I hope she enjoys it as well.
I think tonight I'm going to go home and put on my PJ's and turn in early. I'm tired!! Getting up with the chickens is for the birds. I'm not cooking tonight I think I will go pick up some pizza or something like that.
I have two more ponchos to make and I hope I can get them done in about 2 weeks so I can work on something for me. I want my own afghan but at this rate I will never get one made for me. I also have all these name doilies to make. Yee Haww!!!
Oh well!!
Sunday, November 06, 2005

London is a very sweet girl. She came to us severely abused and neglected. But that was 3 years ago and now she is very happy and sweet.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I finished my first filet name thingy. I had never done this before so I taught myself how to crochet filet this week. I think it turned out rather good. This one is for my boss for Christmas. I have about 5 more of them to do if I ever finish that afghan I'm doing for someone at work. I have 51 more rows to go on it and it is done. Well I do have to tuck in the tails and wash it before giving it to them. I sure hope he likes it. Any way I wanted to share some of my work. Hope you enjoy.
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