Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sad Day

The children's grandfather passed away yesterday at 5:00pm. His wife called me yesterday at work to tell me that they had revived him once but didn't think he would make it till this morning. I left work and my husband and I went to the hospital to be with him in his last minutes but by the time we pulled in the parking lot she called me again to tell me that he had died 20 minutes before. We decided to go in anyway and pay our last respects and tell him goodbye. The staff was very kind and allowed us to go in and we were able to spend a bit with him. He will be very missed by us.

Goodbye Billy we love you very much and we will miss you. It has been our privilege to be able to know you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your family's loss. *hugs*