I know I have been gone to long and haven't written anything. It's been busy with the holidays and all, likely excuse! I hope that everyones Christmas and New Years all went well. Ours went really well, but thank God its over. I just about couldn't stand any more fun. On Christmas Eve, our family went my husbands brothers house for Christmas there. Really good food and good conversations. Met some new people that were invited and that was nice. Played a round of pool or two. We opened presents and I got something that I have wanted for years but never could afford to buy it for myself. A KitchenAid mixer!! Yes, I can bake again, and boy have I. I have made cakes, cookies, breads and even mashed potatoes in it. My family is having a ball with me doing all this baking. Me too!!! My husband bought me one of those ear things for the blue tooth on my cell phone hoping that I might answer the phone more often but it makes my ear sore and I don't see any need in it unless I was driving out of town or something. Not to mention that the bluetooth runs the battery down if I forget to turn it off. Christmas morning we spent at home then we went to my moms for Christmas lunch. We had a good time with my nieces and my mom.

Took this at my house the week before Christmas

Look under my nieces arm, it's a knitting machine, Go Aunt Carol!!
On the knitting front, I'm still working on the vest that I started back in November. It was suppose to be for my mom for Christmas but it didn't get done. I'm on the left front of the vest and about done with that part then on to the right I will go. My best bet I might be done with it this weekend then it will be on to washing and blocking. Oh and buttons have to be bought as well. I hope she likes it.

I took this picture before I started the left front but you get the idea.
I also I have 2 pairs of socks on the needles. One pair I have been working on for a long time and am going to finish these suckers before long. The other pair were started this past weekend for my son. They look big even for his big foot but I'm hoping that they will be ok. I will know soon enough because I'm a little over half done with one of the legs, he doesn't like them long.
I will try to post pictures of the vest and the socks when I can. Warning, my socks aren't as lacy and pretty as others I'm not that advanced yet.
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