Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Mom Help!

Sunday after the truck was towed over to the house, Cody was out working on it. I say working because the poor boy doesn't know anything about cars and when I mean nothing I mean absolutely nothing. I took him to buy a manual for that model vehicle so he could get an idea on how it works. It won't take him long to figure it out. Anyway, the door handles on the inside wont open the truck so he has to roll the windows down to open the doors. I'm in the house cooking dinner, fried chicken, broccoli rice Au gratin, spinach, with biscuits with gravy, and my cell phone rings. Its Cody calling from the back yard. I say hello and he is yelling in the phone Mom help me! I'm thinking oh good grief the truck has fallen on him or hes got him hand caught. So I go out the back door quickly kinda of worried and what do I see:

The dogs have climbed in the truck and he can't get them out. I am laughing so hard at this point that I can't get them out. They thought they were going to go for a ride. Poor babies. I finally got them out for him and made them come in the house but now they think the truck is theirs.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Well its Monday morning already, dang the weekends fly by. Things just start to get interesting and *poof* it's time to go to work again. Oh how I wish I didn't have to work, just imagine all the stuff I could do. I tell you, I really would like to hang out with my mom a lot more than I get to. I really enjoy being around her and talking, we still argue but that's never going to end. And I would love to be home with my kids. Boy could I get some knitting and crocheting done. It's all wishful thinking but I still day dream about it. I don't mind working and I love getting a paycheck but I would love to be able to work at home.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

More Pictures of the House

OK as promised here are a few more.

Like I said there is a lot to be done but you know we have the rest of our lives to do it. I have a couple of pieces of furniture that I plan to re finish in the fall and spring to match the rest of what I have, the stuff I'm going to keep that is. I have several antique pieces that need to find the right place in the house. For instance, I have a very old china cabinet but I do not have a space in the eat in kitchen to put it so it is going to have to go in the living area. So, I'm looking for the right place to put it. The Gary has a 100 year old trunk that was his grandfathers, we are not real sure where to put it. We used to use it as a coffee table but now we are using for the t.v. stand. Anyway you guys get the point. Anyway I'm looking forward to getting it all together I'm just not going to kill myself doing it. Besides I'm really looking forward to cooler weather so I can work in my flower beds and start my gardens in the back.

New House Pictures

Here are a few pictures of our new house. From the inside out its a nice house. Please excuse the pictures and such sitting in boxes and on the floor I haven't been able to buy a new entertainment center yet so I'm not sure this is where everything is staying and we are going to get new furniture in the next few months because what we have is about ugly and I think I would rather sit on the floor but the rest of the family won't let me get rid of it yet until we have something new. It will happen but probably not till after Christmas. We have other priorities to pay before we can add on another bill somewhere. Anyway here it is:

This is the outside and the living room I will post more of the rest of the house in a few.

Oh No!!!!!

Oh no....... it can not be time already for the eldest to be able to drive!! Cody is 15 and has bought and paid for his own truck. He actually bought it from a neighbor about 3 months ago but we couldn't get it moved because the fuel pump needs to be replaced. Finally today Cody and some of his friends got the truck moved to our house. He has to get some stuff fixed on it and get the tags and finally get his insurance before he starts to drive. I'm so proud of him he worked and paid for this truck all on his own. He is so giddy right now I don't know if any of us can bring him down of his cloud. I remember my first car, a 1977 Camero. Of course I didn't work to pay for it my parents bought it for me. I loved that car and was always working on it. I had friends that were mechanics and we always were doing something to my car or someone Else's car. It was cheaper that way. I couldn't work on a car now for nothing, however I do still know some of the basic stuff and am trying to teach Cody some stuff. Hehe like hes going to listen to me, mom doesn't know anything right now, LOL.

On the crochet and knit front, I have started my first graph gahn and its going ok for the first one but I'm not sure it is right but its the first. The back is looking a bit like when I do cross stitch but I'm not sure how else it could look. I suppose I will figure it out. I think it looks rather cool except for the back of it.

It's longer than what I took the picture of. I hope it turns out because it is for my youngest child, he has a thing for Elvis.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Very Interesting..

Today was an interesting day. I didn't go to court today my co-worker did because she needs to learn the ropes in the court room. Besides I needed a break from it for a change. It was nice to be in the office alone without all the lies. I do not want to stay in the office and will always go on Tuesdays to court, I love Tuesday court. I was suppose to go to the doctor tomorrow for a nerve conductor test but they called and canceled it till next Wednesday. Probably for the better because my co-worker will be out and there is a lot of work to do.

Soccer practice went well. The girls are getting much better and we were told tonight that colleges will begin looking at these girls soon. Yes I know they are still only like 13 - 15 I think but now is the time for the coachs from the colleges start letting them know what they are looking for in players.

The booga bag I'm working on is coming along well. Probably wont be finished for a couple of weeks simply because I don't have a lot of time to work on it. Maybe this weekend it will rain and I can sit in the house and knit.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Joys of .......

I am back to knitting. I have begun another booga bag for my daughter and it is looking rather good if you ask me. I am enjoying being back at my craft and relieving some of that pent up stress I have going on. I'm dying to buy more yarn, not that I don't have an entire closet devoted to storing all my wonderful yarn. I have several of those extra large ziploc bags full of yarn then I have a plastic storage thing that has 3 drawers and on wheels that is full of yarn. That is for my cotton and wool yarns the bags are all the acrylic that I have accumulated over the years. Anyway back to the dying to buy more wool thing I'm going thru. I can't right now buy anything. All the bills are coming in that are the transferred amounts from the old house (utility and cable that is) and the new bills for the new house. Let me tell you, two of these are astronomical so I am unable to spend anything at the moment. I have been perusing KnitPicks for the last two days dreaming of new yarn and what I could be doing with new yarn. I want to make socks. I have sock yarn but I want MORE sock yarn. Sad but true!!! I know that in a few years I will be able to buy yarn again ( that was a joke only a few months but seems like years).

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Boy its hot!!

Good grief its hot!! It is 99 degrees here right now with a heat index of 101. Tomorrow the temp is suppose to be 101 who knows what the heat index is going to be. I hate the heat, it is to hot to do anything. I will be so glad when some cooler temps come around.

I haven't written in so long, well since we bought the house and got moved in to it. But outside of moving into the new house and cleaning the old house and going to work, nothing really has gone on. I hadn't been able to do much knitting or crocheting because of my hands. They are getting worse all the time. I'm going to have a nerve conductor test done on Friday for my hands to see if it is the carpal tunnel then I get to make the decision to have the surgery or not. Also, because I have rheumatoid arthritis and it is starting to flair and really hurt my hands I have to go to a rheumatologist (I know I spelled it wrong) in September. I don't really know what a rheu.... whatever it is, does or what he is going to do to me but I sure hope it helps my hands. I would really like to be able to crochet and knit again like I did. I miss it. This all started with me going to the doctor about my huge swollen feet. My co workers ganged up on me and made me go to the doctor. I told them that it wasn't nothing that loosing some weight wouldn't take care of but no they thought it was something else. Ok so I went. I do not have diabetes, my heart is fine, my kidneys are fuctioning just the way they should, my liver is fine and all my blood work is fine except for I have rheumatoid arthritis and the conective tissues and joints are inflammed and hurt like hell. After I quit smoking I gained about 50 lbs give or take some. I hate it and I have been trying to get it off but nothing is working because I'm not exercising. I am running up and down the stairs but outside of that not much else. I'm not lazy I'm tired and its to dang hot to do anything outside. Gary and I are going to start walking in the evenings when it starts to cool off some. And I will be going back to working in my flower beds when it cools off. Whatever it takes. I wish we had access to a pool I would swim laps. I love to swim I think thats my favorite form of exercise.

Its up to 100 degrees again with a heat index of 105. Geez its hot.

Carol L.
The Mississippi Hooker