This weekend has been busy. I don't mean a little bit but a lot of busy. I left work early Thursday afternoon and took off the entire day Friday to get the kids ready to go to their trip with the church for the weekend. I had unknown amounts of laundry to get done and everytime I thought I actually might be done with it more would pop up from somewhere in the house. Like out of the boys room in the closet or dirty clothes out of my daughters drawers because she was to lazy to bring them to the dirty clothes hamper. I ran that washer and dryer a half of day Thursday and all day Friday, you know my water and electric bill are going to be huge. Friday afternoon my friend Laura called me to ask me if I still wanted the bedroom suite that they had and I told her that I couldn't afford to buy it from her right now and she probably needed to sell it. She told me they were not worried about the money we would make arraingments and I told her that I didn't like to get involved with money matters with my friends because money causes friendships to be lost and I valued her friendship to much for that and no amount of money could replace her as my friend. She said she understood. About an hour later she calls me back to tell me that her and her husband decided to give us the bedroom suite because they knew that we would take care of it. I was shocked. Happy and excited but shocked. I love it, it is absolutly beautiful and I am so very grateful to her and her husband for this wonderful gift. All weekend my youngest son and I moved furniture from around the house to make room for the new bedroom suite. It took Friday night and all of Saturday to get it right but it is so worth it. I also took advantage of the moving around to clean out some stuff and throw some stuff away. As well as cleaning out part of the boys room to make room for the chest of drawers to fit in there. And I took a bunch of my home interiors items that is no longer available and hung up. It is really starting to look good in the house and I'm very proud of it but good grief I am sooo tired today.
Looks like this week is going to be an busy one as well. I have 2 kids playing soccer and all week they have practice then both have a game on Saturday at the same time. Should be fun!!!
Have a great week!!
Carol L
The Mississippi Hooker
A tale of the ongoing life that lies before me and the past that has defined who I am today.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
To much to do, to little time to do it
I had a great weekend and a day off. Saturday it was only me and the boys, while the eldest drove me crazy with how absolutly bored he was and how he wanted me to drive him somewhere, anywhere it really didn't matter where. Which I wasn't going to do because of the ice on the ground. My youngest stayed curled up on the loveseat watching cartoons. We had lunch and dinner together and I finished my socks, YEA!!! They are ugly but they are warm and they fit my big fat feet. I really should have made them longer on the leg but I didn't take into account that my calves are the size of calves so when I wear them they come just above my ankles. Even so, I am so proud of them that I actually made a pair of socks. I have a ton of sock yarn now because I enjoyed so much making these socks that I want to make more. After I fininshed those socks I started a tote for co-workers daughter to take on a cruise with her. It's crocheted and its just full of fun spring and summer colors. It has a drawstring on the top and the purse part is huge. I can't wait for her mom to give it to her. I told her mom it was for her daughter because she was so good to her mom and took care of her. I have to start an afghan to donate to a charity affair. A gentleman that works for the probation service we use had a massive heart attack and the company doesn't offer insurance so he and his family are very strapped for money to pay bills. His co- workers are holding a benefit for him in a month. They are holding a silent auction in his behalf and so they have asked me to donate something to that cause. No problem. I think I'm going to make the filet ripple
Have a great day,
Mississippi Hooker
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Ice, Ice, Ice, Baby, Ice.....
Last night around midnight the weather turned ugly. Not that we didn't expect it, that's all the weather men on the local news have talked about. This "ice storm" has been compaired to the Ice Storm of '94 and how bad it was going to be. Well, I'm here to tell you, it's not looking good. It's still sleeting and ice pellets are falling from the very snow pregant grey sky. It's cold and very slippery out there and I'm not moving out of this house. I'm not even going to take the dogs out my son is going to do that. Since Dakota pulled me down on my hip last weekend on the snow I'm not risking it. I just heard a car drive down the road maybe the roads are as bad as I thought but in my SUV I'm not taking any chances. Lasts year when the ice came it did't hold well in the ice and slid all over the road. Not trying it. Besides with all the red necks around here doing donuts in the middle of the streets I don't think I will even get out. I think I will make a big pot of soup and some cornbread sounds good to me. And finish my socks then I can wear my own warm wool socks that I made. Hehe!!!
Stay warm Ya'll,
Carol L.
The Mississippi Hooker
Stay warm Ya'll,
Carol L.
The Mississippi Hooker
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
One of those days.....
It has been the most horrible day!! That person I work with is just plain out to drive me completely out of my mind. Not that I need much help attaining that type of insanity, my kids have helped me out quite a bit. No matter what I say or what I do, I am being rude to her. I don't care if its hello hows your day, its going to come out rude. I have told her and my boss that this the same way I talk to everyone and only she has the problem with it. I'm not bowing down to her or cowering in a corner because she thinks she runs the office, which by the way I am senior clerk in this office. This does not mean I have any authority this means if the head clerk and the other head clerk are out then I'm in charge. Not that I want to be in charge of a woman that has her head stuck so far up her... nevermind you get the point. For two years this crap has been going on and I am now completely sick of it. My direct supervisior says that its the way I say things to her, well I guess I need to sit in my corner and keep my mouth completely shut because nothing I say is good enough. She is going to be able to run the office and be self appointed office manager no matter what. No one in that building works up there with her I am the only one and I hear the crap she pulls and they way she treats people and for some odd reason when things like what happened today happens I get the blame. SHEEEESSHH!! I am just soooo over it all. Ok I need to quit my blood pressure is already up because of this.
On a good note I did however finish my booga bag check this out ya'll
I also completed one sock. Yea I know that it has to have a mate and yes I'm working on that socks mate. The only reason that I'm mentioning this is I am patting myself on the back because it is my first. Yes, I Carol, was a sock virgin. I now have made my first sock and frogged the second. I was about done with the second when I noticed that the heel sucked so I had to start all over. So here
is the picture of the lonely sock. It kind of looks like its for an elephant now that I look at it. But it was my first. Wasn't everyones first a bit iffy, wasn't sure if you liked it or not?? Didn't know if you ever were going to try that again?? Oh wait we are talking about socks. I will leave you with that thought if thinking doesnt hurt enough today.
See ya,
The Mississippi Hooker
On a good note I did however finish my booga bag check this out ya'll

I also completed one sock. Yea I know that it has to have a mate and yes I'm working on that socks mate. The only reason that I'm mentioning this is I am patting myself on the back because it is my first. Yes, I Carol, was a sock virgin. I now have made my first sock and frogged the second. I was about done with the second when I noticed that the heel sucked so I had to start all over. So here

See ya,
The Mississippi Hooker
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Wonders never cease!
Will wonders never cease to happen?? I shore hope not!! I can not believe I actually knitted something that I can use. Take a look.... Now remember it is still drying on a box covered with an old trusty Wal-mart bag. I sure hope it looks that good after it dries.

I'm also trying to knit socks. And so far so its going pretty good. But I haven't gotten to the heal
part yet. See....
Not to bad huh?? Ok my dogs are barking at me to take them out so before their eye balls start floating I better get them out to go potty.
Carol L.
Mississippi Hooker

I'm also trying to knit socks. And so far so its going pretty good. But I haven't gotten to the heal

Not to bad huh?? Ok my dogs are barking at me to take them out so before their eye balls start floating I better get them out to go potty.
Carol L.
Mississippi Hooker
Friday, February 10, 2006
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

It snowed today!! I love snow but living in the South we don't get much. Mostly we get ice I hate ice. I think we wound up with about 3 or 4 inches of the beautiful white stuff. The kids had just got out of school when it started and about 30 minutes later my boss walked in the door and told us the mayor told us to pack it up and go home. They actually closed city hall for the snow. Let me ask you how cool is that???? I couldn't believe that we got a half snow day. I felt like a kid again. Too cool!!! Not that we were doing anything to begin with it was slower than snails. So, I get home and start taking the dogs out to potty and Dakota got excited (remember they are snow dogs) and pulled me a bit to hard on the slippery stuff and down I went. The neighbor kids across the street were watching this fat ole lady hit the drive way and be pulled a bit by a large Siberian Husky. You know that had to be a funny sight. I'm a bit sore after ward but I think I actually bounced down the drive way. I'm pretty sure this fat has springs in it. I had to laugh at myself for being so stupid as to wear the shoes I had on in the snow. When I got up I was wet all over and soooo very cold. I hope this stuff does not turn into ice but it probably will.
Carol L.
Mississippi Hooker
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Looky what I got!!!
I got my package from my partner on the wool swap on Crochetville today!! Oh boy did I get excited!! I squeeled so loud my dogs had to get up from their nice soft place of laying around (known as the most expensive dog bed) the sofa to see what the heck was wrong with their mommy. As I have told you before Dakota just gets un-nerved when I act like there is something horribly wrong (good or bad). She sent 4 skeins of Patrons Merino Wool in Tuscan colors an 2 skeins in grey/white and I'm thinking socks. She also sent a drop spindle and some wonderful roving to spin. She also sent instructions, bless her heart!! I sure do not know how to spin but I sure want to learn. I am so tickled about this package. It feels like Christmas again. I can not wait to do another yarn swap.
On another note, I am knitting a booga bag and I'm so surprised that I was even able to start this let alone be as far as I am with it. I will post a picture this evening to show everyone my progress. I'm running for now I don't have my contacts in and my eyes are killing me. I will write more later.
Carol L.
The Mississippi Hooker
Monday, February 06, 2006
Been sick...what else is new??
Well, I have spent most of last week and all weekend sick. This all started Wednesday with stomach problems and I had to leave work and go home because of it. If that weren't enough then I came down with a sinus infection. My sinus' feel as if someone is poking a red hot ice pick up my nose just for the hell of it. And I know I have lost I don't know how many I.Q. points from sneezing. I'm not coughing (thank you Jesus) its just all in my head. I know some of you have been dying to tell me that it is all in my head, now I have said it for everyone. I feel like, well you know how you would feel if someone had an icepick up your nose. I have taken medicine at night that helps me sleep since I can't breathe and then medicine in the morning that is suppose to not make me sleepy so now my brain is not really sure what it suppose to be doing. All weekend the dogs have encircled me not letting me out of their sight. They do this everytime I am sick. I can't move without a dog, especially Dakota, being right there. Imagine if you will, you are sleeping or trying to because you are sick and being flanked on either side by a Siberian Husky. They lay so close that they actually keep the covers so tight that you can't move or pull the covers off when you get hot. Or try just going to take a hot bath and being stared at by a dog as big as you are. Sunday I was sitting at my new computer watching a DVD and someone knocks on the door, Indigo jumps up and begins to bark, not just any ole bark but this half growl half bark thing. I only mention this because they never bark unless they have to go potty. I don't care who comes to the door they just sit and stare at them. But because I'm sick and its their job to be my fearless protector he starts acting like he's going to kill someone. Turns out it was a neighbor child coming over to borrow barbecue sauce. Silly dog!!!
I crocheted my very first purse for the swap I'm participating in on Crochetville. I have never done this before and it looks right but I am sooooo nervous about sending it to the girl I made it for because I have never done it. I'm so worried that she will not like it or I didn't do it right or something. Everyone that sees it likes it but I'm not so sure its good enough. It's springy I can say that for sure and it will hold up and is washable.
that's all I can think of today, maybe my brain won't be so full of ........what its full off tomorrow and I can write more.
Happy Hooking,
Carol L.
I crocheted my very first purse for the swap I'm participating in on Crochetville. I have never done this before and it looks right but I am sooooo nervous about sending it to the girl I made it for because I have never done it. I'm so worried that she will not like it or I didn't do it right or something. Everyone that sees it likes it but I'm not so sure its good enough. It's springy I can say that for sure and it will hold up and is washable.
that's all I can think of today, maybe my brain won't be so full of ........what its full off tomorrow and I can write more.
Happy Hooking,
Carol L.
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