I made the cutiest ripple baby blanket over the weekend. I have all this stash, like most of us Yarn a holics or yarn whores, and I decided to take some of it out and do something with it. So I started to crochet and this is what happened. This is Maggie Mae checking to be sure that I didn't leave any tails hanging out.
I will write more tomorrow I wanted to share the blanket but I'm worn out now. I didn't get out of court till 7pm and it was a long day so I'm going to go take my eyeballs out (my contacts.. kinda of gross huh??) then I'm going to knit for a bit.
Carol L.
Mississippi Hooker
Cute blanket! I have started so many blankets... but get too impatient to finish them. Good job on this ripple one!
Thank you very much!! I enjoyed working on something simple for a change.
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