Thursday, January 19, 2006

Knitting time again......

Just want to break out in song. It's knitting time again.....yea baby....ohh yea.... Ok, OK that stunk to high heaven!!! I am finally knitting the handwarmers my best friend asked me for a month ago. I haven't had time to get it done (well I did finish that baby blanket in the efforts to destash). I love to knit but it is a bit slower than crocheting and crocheting feeds the instant gratification need I have. I love the look of the knitting stitches and how it all comes together using just pointed sticks. By the way, it still amazes me with either crochet or knit, how you can take nothing and make something. How out of a ball, a hank, or a skein a sweater or hat or anything is made. It is amazing to me how thru the ages that these crafts have passed down from one generation to another and how no matter how the times change knitting and crocheting are always accepted. I think it's great that people of all ages, colors, sex, and nationalities are learning to knit and crochet and are finding out that both are great stress relief. What a nice thing to think that these crafts all of us can do in peace. There are no rules and there is not a wrong way or right way to participate in either craft. I know I'm at my greatest peace when I can sit and crochet or knit for hours with no one bothering me, which by the way is not going to happen in my house with 3 kids, bless their hearts. I think everyone should learn to knit or crochet, what a wonderfull world this would be.
I go tomorrow to the CPA to talk about opening my business. I think I'm getting closer to being able to do it. I can't wait!!! I can't wait to sign the papers on my own business, I can't wait till I open my shop and have a grad opening, I can't wait till I sell my first item. I just can't wait. Period!!! I I believe that I will do good business and I believe that I will make it. I wish I had the start up capitol without taking a SBA but I don't. I really don't want to go into business in debt. I would rather only have the normal bills like rent, utilities and such. I know I can sell enough to do that but to pay back a loan too. That's why I have to talk to the CPA I know he can tell me what I'm up against. It's like going to see the wizard!! I think too I'm going to take my business in to the city next to us because... they want way to much rent in this small town for anything good, we have nothing here but what I think is "bad business" and not enough of desirable busineses. I don't know, I'm still looking where to open. I have a lot to learn but don't mind learning by no means.

Carol L.
Mississippi Hookers

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