Adventures in Hooking....
Hehe made you look with a title like that huh??? Calm down it's not what you think. I have started a baby sweater, in itself that is not that remarkable except for the fact that I have never made one before. It is proving to be a challenge because the pattern, for lack of anything better to say, is weird. To weird. To the point it makes no sense to me. Here, judge for yourself :
Yes, the pattern is actually written that way. I think that is where the sleeve is suppose to go but right now it just looks weird. I'm hoping the further I get into this sweater I will understand it better. I can always frog it and find a different pattern. I have never made any type of sweater before and this year I'm going to learn to crochet and knit sweaters. And as I loose this weight I'm going to make myself new sweaters and such.
I took this picture of my kitty this weekend also. She is sitting on the top of my desk looking down on me. Oh, this is Maggie Mae our 5 year old kitty. We have her mom also, Scarlet who is a red tabby. Maggie is our 10 year olds cat, she
sleeps with him and is very lost when he is not there. She loves that boy more than anything else.
You can't see here but on her left side there are two black spots and when she lays down they form he shape of a heart.
I can't wait to get off work so I can go home and knit or crochet, I never know which I'm going to do till I get there and of course how my hands feel. See ya'll later.
Carol L.
Hi!! I'm new to your blog. Your daughter is beautiful and I agree that the sweater looks weird, but then again, I've never ever made a sweater.
Hey Melissa,
Thanks for the very nice compliment!! I will tell her that you said so. Yea thats a weird looking sweater I may just frog it.
Thanks again,
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