Friday, August 03, 2007

My Best Friend is a Grandmother

My very best friend in the whole world has become a grandmother for the very first time. This is her new grandbaby!! She is one proud granny or MiMi as she is going to be called. Congrats Angie, I love you girl!!

1 comment:

vicki said...

carol what about a yard sale, have your son go thru his stuff and see what he can bear to part with and sell it to make money for the trip, i wish he could go that would be so awesome. is sad that some people are not able to send their kids on a trip of a life time because of not being able to afford it right now. is the school doing any fund raising? car washes/bake sale ect? thats how all the kids here were able to go to japan last year. the neighborhood chipped in big time for those who couldn't afford it, it was a trip of a lifetime good luck i hope it works out for you