Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Back to work

I couldn't think of anything inspiring or interesting to title this post today. It's not that nothing is going on but instead my brain is not functioning well at all along with my body. I say back to work because I called in sick yesterday not because I wanted to stay home and knit or play around let alone clean the house or do laundry but because I am not well. I'm not going into the gross details or bore you with all that is wrong but I will say this, I have done it to myself. Most of the problems that I have would mostly go away (I say mostly because I know that I wouldn't suffer near as much as I do now) if I would only get this weight off my body. I have tried everything short of radical surgery or Jenny Craig (which one I won't do and the other I can not afford) and nothing seems to get my attention enough to stick to, so I continue to suffer with the problems that I have caused for myself. The stupid thing to all of it is that I know what the problem is but don't do anything about it. The absolute definition of insanity: Doing the same thing expecting different results. I finally finished the hat for the little boy that I have been writing about. I think I made it to big but it is cute. I still screwed up the decreases but my husband said that it looked great and he wanted one and Shelby said he wanted one too. I also have news about Will, he had his surgery last Friday and they were able to get to the tumor that was the size of a tangerine and were able to remove it and the mass around it as well as the tenticles that had branched out. I was told that the next afternoon he was sitting up in the bed talking to his mother. I haven't heard anything since Saturday but I was doing some thanking God for His mercy and love!! I told you miracles were possible.


Deneen said...

Hugs to you

Carol said...

Thanks. They think I have a hiatal hernia (if thats how you spell it) but I'm to chicken to go and find out. Good to hear from you again I have missed you!!