Sunday, April 01, 2007

First Fair Isle

Thursday night there was a sweet lady at the after hours knitting group who had just learned to knit fair isle. The process looked very interesting to me so I thought that I would attempt to teach myself how to do it. Yesterday was a very rainy day, it rained pert near all day long and it was a good day to sit and knit with my good friend Raggie. I sat with her while she crocheted and I knitted while we enjoyed each others company as well as some wonderful conversation that caused some tears and laughter. It's a good thing to be able to sit with a good friend and not be in a hurry. While there with her I taught myself to knit fair isle. The hat is not the best in the world but its my first and I'm just impressed that I was able to work two strands of yarn at the same time. Here's a picture of what I had done as of yesterday evening.

I think I messed up on the pattern somewhere but thats ok really since it was my first. I will do much better on the next one.

1 comment:

Pink said...

Great hat...I enjoy fair isle knitting, I just don't do enough of it. Yours looks really good.