Thanks to Bron and to Deneen for helping me out with this one, you guys rock!!

You can see how small she is, I made that sweater the smallest size because she is so small.
A tale of the ongoing life that lies before me and the past that has defined who I am today.
I have almost finished that sweater that I started weeks ago. I have to put the sleeves in then its pretty much done. I screwed up, when I bought the yarn I didn't check lot numbers (I know how stupid). When I bought it, the yarn had been intended for something else I guess that was about 2 years ago. Anyway, the color is a not a big difference but it is noticable. Everyone that has seen it thinks it looks cool because of the way the color changes so I guess its ok for my first. I have no plans to frog it because my daughter thinks its cool that way and she said she would wear it. I will post a picture later of it, after I get the sleeves in.