Thursday, February 08, 2007

February already

I can not believe it is February already, I mean dang wasn't yesterday Christmas? And why is it I can't I remember to write something in this place at least once a week? I know its been a month almost since I have even darkened the door of my blog don't know why, don't really have a good excuse. Maybe I will do better.

Ok on to what has been going on around these here parts. Lets see where to begin? We bought a new washer. Not any washer but GE Profile Harmony. I know they dang thang set us back a bit but we got it at a discounted price because it was dented on the back side. You can't see the dent and the dent does not affect the washers ability to wash clothes but we got it for about $250.00 less than retail. I swear the day we put it in the entire family including my mom stood around and watched it wash clothes. See it has a clear top so you can see what you are washing, it provided some very interesting entertainment for the family. I love the it and we are thinking on buying the dryer also if we can get it for discount as well.

I am knitting a sweater. Yes, I Carol the one who was so chicken to knit or crochet a sweater is actually doing it. I'm working on one of the sleeves right now. It is a dark blue and I am using a Lion Brand Yarn, Jiffy. That was the only yarn I had on hand in the amount that I needed to make the sweater. So far it is looking alright and so far it hasn't been to hard to follow. But I'm wondering which stich should I use when I get to the point of seaming it together. I guess I will figure it out when I get there. Also I have an Alpaca scarf on my other needles. Thats for when I get bored with working on the sweater. As soon as I finish this sweater I'm working on I have 3 that I want to work on. Lets see, 2 are knitting and one is crochet,

This one:

This one:

And this one:

Plus I have a few baby blankets to work on. One of them I have to get to pretty quick because I think she is coming up due soon.

Monday I ended up in the doctors office because I was sure I was having a heart attack. Turned out to be possibly a hiatel hernia. They are not sure that is what it is but it sounded like it. I'm having problems with food feeling like it is stuck in my throat and I can't swallow sometimes. I wound up staying home that day because the doctor said I needed to relax so I stayed in the bed and rested. What I really need to do about it is get this weight off of me. Then I wouldn't have some of these problems I have.

The kids are doing great and I can't wait till I can post a picture of Cody on here all dressed up in his new suit. He looks so good.

Ok thats all I can think of at this point but I might write more later.


Unknown said...

Well it's about dang time you posted! hehe
I was wondering about youy. Hope you are feeling better. About the weight thing, I know what you mean, I have been feeling bad and I know it's because I gained weight back plus I wasn't through losing so I have had to work extra hard lately. I seem to be stuck and it's discouraging. But I keep pluggin away. knowing I will feel AND look better helps alot.
Take care, you know we're pulling for ya!

Deneen said...

The hiatal hernia thing must have been scary. I had the same thing and am taking Nexium and Reglan now (well, not hiatal hernia, but convinced it was a heart attack).

That muse is on my list and I just don't see it happening for me-can't find the yarn I want in the color I want and dammit, if I am spending all that money on yarn and time making it, it better be exactly what the hell I want!

Carol said...

I'm taking Prylosec OTC (I can not spell) for it and it seems to be helping. And boy howdy it was scary I broke down crying at the doctors office and I know they thought I was crazy.

Kari, I'm having a hard time getting this weight off. When we quit smoking I put a bit over 50lbs and it wont budge.