Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas pictures

The city had Breakfast with Santa last weekend and I took Tori and Shelby to see him. Yes I know the are a bit big for Santa but being a mom I wanted pictures again this year with him.

Shelby wondering if this was a good idea or Santa telling him to get off his knee because he is to dang big.

Tori hamming it up for the camera. And she does it so well.

Shelby decided he liked Santa.

Then there was Cody who wouldn't get out of bed that early to go with us, well he is 16 and God forbid he is seen sitting in Santa's lap. The world would come crashing in. So I made the boy stand in front of the tree at home and take his picture.
Cody making his mom happy by taking a picture not making a horrible face or wearing the dang earring.

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