Wow its been a bit since I posted last. I'm a bad girl for not keeping up with this but I'm not to sure anyone reads it anyway. Well I know my mom does, HEY MOM!!!!! My house is so busy right now. Tori is playing competitive soccer and practices 2 evenings and 2 afternoons a week plus the tournaments that come up. For instance she has a tournament this weekend and one in 2 weeks out of town. Cody plays football so there is football practice everyday after school and he plays Jr. varsity and varsity so he has games on Monday and Friday nights. And last but not least Shelby plays rec soccer so there is 2 practices a week plus game on Saturdays except for this Saturday he has 2 games. My daughter plays in the forward position and my son plays goalie or as I call him 'The Keeper' sounds good anyway.

The only time I have to knit anymore is either at the practices or before I go to bed. I don't get much done which is driving me nuts. I have been working on this same pair of socks for a couple of months. I should have been finished a long time ago. They are so cute and turned out a bunch better than the first ones I ever tried to make. I think for my next project I'm going to attempt to make this sweater . I have never made a sweater before and I know this one is probably way above my head but the pattern itself after reading thru it doesn't seem as hard as it looks. So, I'm going to give it a shot.
On the crocheting front, I haven't had time to ever begin to work on the sweater I was going to attempt. Right now I'm stuck on knitting. You know just not enough time in the day for a working working mom.
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