It's been a long time since I blogged. College and homeschooling the boy have taken over a large portion of my time. A couple of days ago I had the pleasure of talking to my once upon a time best friend from back when we were like 12 to 14 years old. It was great remembering all the crazy crap she and I did, many, many memories some good some not so good. We began talking because of a picture I had posted on FB a couple of years ago of a group many of us Hooddalians...oops I meant Wooddalians belonged to called WE60. It was the cool group to belong to because all the cool kids were in it. It wasn't easy to become a member of this elite group of young people (not what I wanted to write but out of respect I will leave it that way) there was much hazing or initiation that took place by the elder members of the group. One of those that stood out was "Fry like bacon" the want to be member would throw themselves on the floor and begin to convulse like bacon frying in a pan. I avoided that one like the plague. Can you imagine what would happen in todays school system if anything like that was going on? OMG, they might put an eye out!!!!! This initiation was headed by teacher/coach, Coach Duke who I'm pretty sure was just as "crazy" as we were. He also was over study hall but there was no studying going on in that room, anything but. After several weeks of this hazing going on the young wanna be's were voted on to become members of this "club of _________." At the end of the year there was this big too-do where we all dressed up in Tux's and formals, we all loaded on a bus that took us to somewhere (I don't remember) to have some banquet lunch, then the coaches loaded us up again and took us to Audubon Park then let us loose to smoke them if we had them. They all turned their backs while we ran around the park doing God knows what. LOL good times!!
So, several folks began commenting on the picture that it was to small to see who was in it. Ok, I have enlarged the picture, but you have to remember that the quality is not that wonderful this is before the age of digital it was good ole film. Hope you all enjoy going back to a time when things were a bit simpler and oh so much fun to live in. I for one am so glad to have been friends with many of you through out the years!