Gary and I purchased a new TV last night. It's an off brand but for what it is I think it looks great. So, this morning I decided to take a picture of it to show off as well as show the wonderful, wonderful weather we are going to experience this week. I'm excited about both! I am so ready for some cooler weather so I can do some work around the yard. I got up this morning to let the dogs out and noticed there was frost on the ground. The first frost of the year; you know colder weather is ahead when you see that laying there like a tattered blanket. I'm thinking because of the horrid weather we experienced this past summer; we may be in for a pretty stout winter. Sounds good to me; I love the cold weather and snow. I love snow especially snow days when we are all stuck at home together. I love it. I even don't mind all the wet clothes from the youngest who still loves playing in the snow. Heck I love playing in the snow, but I would rather be in the house making some homemade soup or chili for when they all decided to come in and get warm. We have a ways to go before we will see any of the white stuff laying around; however, I will take the cooler temps and enjoy them while they last.
A tale of the ongoing life that lies before me and the past that has defined who I am today.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
New TV and Great Weather
New TV and Great Weather 
Gary and I purchased a new TV last night. It's an off brand but for what it is I think it looks great. So, this morning I decided to take a picture of it to show off as well as show the wonderful, wonderful weather we are going to experience this week. I'm excited about both! I am so ready for some cooler weather so I can do some work around the yard. I got up this morning to let the dogs out and noticed there was frost on the ground. The first frost of the year; you know colder weather is ahead when you see that laying there like a tattered blanket. I'm thinking because of the horrid weather we experienced this past summer; we may be in for a pretty stout winter. Sounds good to me; I love the cold weather and snow. I love snow especially snow days when we are all stuck at home together. I love it. I even don't mind all the wet clothes from the youngest who still loves playing in the snow. Heck I love playing in the snow, but I would rather be in the house making some homemade soup or chili for when they all decided to come in and get warm. We have a ways to go before we will see any of the white stuff laying around; however, I will take the cooler temps and enjoy them while they last.
Gary and I purchased a new TV last night. It's an off brand but for what it is I think it looks great. So, this morning I decided to take a picture of it to show off as well as show the wonderful, wonderful weather we are going to experience this week. I'm excited about both! I am so ready for some cooler weather so I can do some work around the yard. I got up this morning to let the dogs out and noticed there was frost on the ground. The first frost of the year; you know colder weather is ahead when you see that laying there like a tattered blanket. I'm thinking because of the horrid weather we experienced this past summer; we may be in for a pretty stout winter. Sounds good to me; I love the cold weather and snow. I love snow especially snow days when we are all stuck at home together. I love it. I even don't mind all the wet clothes from the youngest who still loves playing in the snow. Heck I love playing in the snow, but I would rather be in the house making some homemade soup or chili for when they all decided to come in and get warm. We have a ways to go before we will see any of the white stuff laying around; however, I will take the cooler temps and enjoy them while they last.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Unfinished Projects.....
Also, baby items will take my attention away from projects I have started very quickly. I like making baby stuff because it is so much fun to work on. My friends are starting to become grandmothers, so I try to make things for them (try being the operative word) when I have the time to. We also have friends who are young still and are becoming parents and, I try to make items for them as well. Sometimes my plans don't pan out. I will scour the net for patterns then something will get in the way, usually life will happen and I won't have time to work on anything. Work and school pretty much keep me really busy some times to busy to do anything else.
Sweater I would love to finish. |
I have a habit of starting projects and not finishing them. Usually its because I find other things I want to work on, and then the original project (or two) take a back seat and eventually the new project will be found sitting back there with the others. I have so many projects I want to finish and so, so many I want to start, but I have to restrain myself from beginning them because of the all of the other unfinished projects. One of the oldest projects that has been sitting on the shelf is a sweater I started two years ago.
Ye ol' dish towel |
Another one of those long lasting projects would seem to be a simple project, but for me its more like on of those never ending projects. A dishtowel. OK, after you stop laughing because of the simplicity of the project and my lack of ability to pay attention to it; you will understand that the ADD has a tendency to rear its nasty little head when it sees something pretty and shiny over there. I do have to admit that this one kind of hurts my hands to work with. I don't know if its the yarn or because I knit so tightly sometimes, but whatever the reason I can only work on it for a short amount of time.
Stack o' washcloths |
I can; however, make these washcloths when I'm working. They require little thought and are a great stash busting item. I have tons of cotton yarn that I make the backpacks from, so when I'm done with the backpack I use the remainder to make washcloths. Nothing spectacular just something to keep my hands busy and make me feel like I'm being productive.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Please Spray Your Testosterone somewhere else.
My daughter and I are the odd people out in the house. There are four guys to us two women. We have to do some serious fighting to hold our own in this house. It's a constant battle to keep toilet seats down let alone clean because you know not one of them can hit that big round hole in the middle. No matter how much training we do with them when they are little it never takes. They always dribble. I can't tell you how many times the females in this house has been known to come howling out of the bathroom because of wet seats. I'm seriously considering the potty covers because of them. Oh I know what your thinking, all they have to do is lift the seat? Really?? That works? I have found that if they lift the seat one of two things happen 1) they don't put it down and we (the women) end up with wet backsides from sitting IN the toilet instead of ON the seat especially on one of those middle of the night, I'm half asleep running the bathroom hoping to make it without tripping over a dog, or 2) they complain that we (the women) can't have it both ways, its either dribble or bowl?
It's not just the toilet; it's the whole I'm right and your wrong thing lets dual at midnight thing. Come on, who gives a big rats behind? Not me, it doesn't matter. Who really cares who is the best guitarist in the entire universe? That is sooo subject to opinion, and we all know what opinions are like, don't we? I walk around the house looking for that non existent woman cave (quite the opposite of a man cave) where I can crawl in, play with my yarn, and watch Lifetime. All in all I love the boys in my house; I can honestly say without all the antics of boydom it would be pure boredom around this house. So, for all the wet backsides out there, love your men and boys they were truly put here for our entertainment and amusement.
![]() |
[Times art: Rossie Newson] |
Some days, some worse than others, I wish these boys in my house would learn to clean up after themselves, but what I really would like out of the four boys (including my husband) is for them all to stop hosing the house down with their own testosterone. I'm mean come on.. there is only so much my daughter and I can take of this behavior. If you guys must have a measuring match please do it outside. It's a constant one up in my house to the point now the women in the house are trying to out do the other with who got the most sleep, who is not feeling the best in the house, and how many chores (or school work) was done by one person.
It's not just the toilet; it's the whole I'm right and your wrong thing lets dual at midnight thing. Come on, who gives a big rats behind? Not me, it doesn't matter. Who really cares who is the best guitarist in the entire universe? That is sooo subject to opinion, and we all know what opinions are like, don't we
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Roll with the Changes
Change is not something I do well, matter of fact, I will do just about anything to keep my surroundings from changing. Versatility is not my middle name no matter how you spell it. I like things to stay the same, but we all know that is an impossibility in life. I struggle with every little change that happens around me. I wish I were more like others who just seem to laugh in the face of change and just roll with it and even looking at change as welcomed friend. At work, as soon as a change is announced I begin to have the feeling of rebellion burning the pit of my stomach and usually say something like, "Oh hell no, I'm not doing that, they can kiss my a%#." Funny thing is once I have to do whatever it is, I'm usually ok with it down the road. I'm that way about everything. Sometimes change is a good thing, and sometimes change is good for us. I need a change now; I need to change back to the person I was prior to May 17, 2010 when all of my hard work began to fall apart right before my eyes and back onto my thighs. LOL sorry couldn't resist. I have to be honest with myself and put it into writing so I can see it; I have gained back 18lbs as of today. I'm really mad at myself, no wait, I'm pissed at myself for this and the madder I get at myself the more I eat. I have totally abandoned everything I have worked so hard to achieve and can't seem to find my way back. Time is a big constraint for me. My schedule is so screwed up I almost can't find time for my family let alone work out time. I should be working out right now, but I'm not. I work Saturday 9-1, 5-9, Sunday 9-1, Monday 8-11, school from 12-1, work 5-9, off Tuesdays class 6:30 -9:00, Wednesday 8-11, Class 12-1, work 5-9, Thursday off, class 6:30-9, Friday 8-11, class 12-1, work 5-9. Plus all the homework, all the studying, one kid in alternative school where I have to take him and pick him up in the afternoon and one I have to pick up from soccer every evening at 5:00. Not to mention the house, my husband, the dogs, and good grief what else. If I do have any time I just want to knit or crochet and not think about anything. Maybe today after I get my homework done and the DTV guy comes maybe I can get some work out time in.
I need a change. I need to change back into that fat burning machine I was prior to that date and get myself back on the right side of healthy.
I need a change. I need to change back into that fat burning machine I was prior to that date and get myself back on the right side of healthy.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Dreams of Italy
I was perusing a friends FB page one day and noticed that this friend had the most wonderful opportunity to visit Italy. I have to say I'm so jealous, so very jealous. I want to go to Italy, but so far haven't had opportunity or the moolah, money, dinero, euros, you get the point, to go. I want to walk where it was said that all roads end in Rome and visit the Colosseum where many a gladiator lost their lives. I want to walk the streets that Paul walked and see the Roman baths. I want to see the ruins of Pompeii and all the wonderful statues. I want to taste the wine till I can't stand up and taste the real Italian food till I can't walk. I love the book, "Under The Tuscan Sun," and I love the movie too, but mostly I love the book. Francis Mays has it made as far as I concerned. She and her husband purchased a beautiful old villa in Tuscany and have made it their own. At the time of the writing, they were going back and forth from their home in California; I'm not sure if they are still doing that. They grow olives and sell the oil. One day I'm actually going to commit to purchasing some; its a bit pricey, but I'm positive it is worth every penny.
One day I'm going to visit Italy and I"m going to savor every moment. I'm going to walk the streets and memorize every aspect, so I never forget. I want to smell the smells, taste everything, and meet the people. One day.
One day I'm going to visit Italy and I"m going to savor every moment. I'm going to walk the streets and memorize every aspect, so I never forget. I want to smell the smells, taste everything, and meet the people. One day.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Last Two Years
Seems I have been away from this blog for about 2 years. I had been writing on another site and still do occasionally. I really need to get back to writing; I feel so much better when I do. Life in the last two years has been pretty good. All sorts of ups and downs like most of us face on a day to day basis. I have been through two jobs and am now attending school and working from home ( Life is pretty good. Kids are about grown; Gary and I have a lot more time together, well sort of. The youngest is now 15 and does pretty much what most 15 year old do and tends to find trouble wherever it hides. The girl is now 18; she is a wonderful young lady. She still plays soccer but this will be her last year to play at school; they won't allow her to play after age 18. The eldest is almost 20 and is in the military, National Guard. He is attending college at the same college I attend, kind of cool. I love going to school; it has been the best decision I have ever made.
Not much to write about today, and I have to get to work.
Not much to write about today, and I have to get to work.
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