I have a motivator, other than the obvious, Gary told me if I got the bills paid off I could have a parrot. I have to take you back a few years to explain this one. Ten years ago I worked in a pet store as an assistant manager. One of the animals that was in the store was an African Grey Congo that I fell in love with and he with me. I was the only one that could get him out of the cage so at night when I was getting the store ready for closing and doing my paper work he would sit on my shoulder. He would nuzzle me and kiss me and I would pet him and talk to him. It was rather amusing that a bird and me would ever become this close. See I have always been and always will be a cat person, so when Yoda decided that liked me it was rather weird. Well one day someone came in the store to buy Yoda I was off work and they couldn't get him out of the cage as usual so they called me at home to come and get him out. By the time I got there he was already out and gone and I never got to say goodbye to him. Turned out that he was bought by some guy with a stolen credit card, who knows what happened to that wonderful bird. Since that day 10 years ago, I have always wanted a African Grey but never either had the room or the money to buy the cage and the bird. All these years I have been reading on them and trying to learn as much as I can for the day when I can have one. My kids are older and we have a large home where he/she would be very happy. I really can't wait but I'm going to have to.
Some pictures I took in the last couple of days in my flower beds. The top is a butterfly on my butterfly bush. The one next to it is a red house finch that has decided that the humming bird feeder is his. Every Sunday we see him sitting on it and that day he allowed me to get pretty close without him moving off.
Then another butterfly on the bush. I got a picture of a hummingbird that visits us everyday but its not a good picture. I have been trying to get a good picture but not having any luck. One day!!