Some times life in general just sucks. Sometimes between work and life at home is more than you want to need to bear at that time. I wish could write my true feelings about a few things but as usual it would only get me into trouble because for whatever reason I don't have that right to express what I truly feel. So most of the time I keep it bottled up and just don't say much at all. I have never in my life had to do this but now I don't have much of a choice. No matter what I say it comes out wrong or is taken wrong and I wind up into trouble. At this point in time I can not loose my job, matter of fact I'm in the process of looking for a second job so I can pay some debt down I can not express how sick I am of not having even enough money to buy food but we make almost 70,000 a year. Its stupid but we did it to ourselves and now I'm going to take the bull by the horns so to speak and do something about it. There is no choice.
OK onto some knitting, I'm working on a vest for my mother but I stopped to make my son a beanie hat and a balaclava for the guys airsoft games this weekend, aka the testostrone events.

I like how it turned out except the next part is not long enough so I think the next one I make its going to be about two inches longer this time. And I haven't figured out what I did to the sides I guess I didn't decrease enough I will know next time.
I gave the hats that I had made for our friends girls to them over the weekend. The hats were suppose to be for Christmas but they were at the house for Cody's birthday and it was chilly outside so I went on and gave the hats to them. Here is a picture of them:

Work calls, more later.