Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Three words I longed to hear

Whoo Hoo Yipee!!! I finally heard the words that I have always wanted to hear!!! You are approved!!!! Not only approved but preapproved!! WhooHoo!!! We are going to buy a house. The very first time for both of us!! We have started looking and think we have found what we want, and we are going to look at it Thursday. We live in an 1100 sq ft house and the one we are looking to move into is 1592 sq foot. Plus lots of floored attic space and a storage building in the back yard. The yard is landscaped and has a garden swing and the most important thing is the back yard is fenced in and the dogs can go out back during the day. Whoo Hoo Yipee!!! We have worked so hard to get to this point were we can own and not rent any more. It's taken 6 years to get our credit cleaned up and get things back in order since all the loss of jobs and what not. Did I mention WhooHoo Yipee!!!! Oh yea I suppose that I did. I am trying very hard to keep it real and know that we should look at more than one. But, well here look for yourself

*The link that I had put in here before won't work because I got word today that someone put a contract on the house. We are still going to put a back up offer on it just in case that the first one falls thru**

Wish us luck and those that pray, pray that all will go smoothly.

Carol L.
Mississippi Hooker

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

As the time flies on by

As I watched my daughter last night riding Tara, the horse, at her horseback riding lessons, I noticed that she is becoming a young woman. Yes I'm aware that she is only 13, but she was only 3 yesterday, right? Or so it seems. She has picked up riding the horses so well and it just surprises me to no end. She loves to lope and canter with the horses and Tara is just right for that. Tara is a 20 year old Arabian. She is a beautiful horse who even at 20 is still just as full of spirit. Tori was afraid of her the first few times because she is so full of herself but now she is the only one she wants to ride. The had a English saddle on Tara and was teaching Tori how to post. For the first time posting, Tori just about nailed it. But today she is sooo sore. Now she has ridden western and English. I can see her riding in shows before long. I guess we are going to have to look into investing in a horse for that. After her riding lesson, she had to go for practice with her band at church. She sings in a band on Sunday mornings for kids service. But this Wednesday she is singing as the lead singer in the big church. I can not get over how well she sings. Again, holy cow she is growing up. I have forgotten my camera everytime she has a lesson. I am going to make a concerted effort to remember the camera on Monday for her next lesson. My luck it will be raining and she won't be riding.

Back to growing up to fast. My eldest is going to be driving soon. He is 15 and I have purposely held off on him getting his permit because I didn't feel like he was mature enough to even learn to drive. I believe now that he is about ready, so I think next week on my birthday I'm going to take him to get the permit. He is working on the weekends and paying for a truck that my neighbor is selling. Granted it is not much but he is buying it and will be working when he turns 16 to pay for his insurance. Cody has come such a long way. Just 3 years ago I thought I was going to loose him. I'm so glad that I have him safe and happy.

Shelby is 10, soon to be 11. He is driving me nuts acting like a nut at school. He has been in trouble so many times at school that I'm ready to skin him alive. Friday he got wrote up and put in ALC plus lost his field trip and then got suspended off the bus for 3 days. I swear he's going to drive me to drinking. I had been telling him I was going to take him to get his hair cut. His hair grows like crazy and had become to long to deal with. However, he told me no he wasn't getting it cut (BIG mistake on his part) so on Friday when he came home with all these problems I sent him to the back yard told the oldest to go and get my clippers and shaved that boys head. I thought he was going to cry but instead he looked at me and said,"Wow this feels better". Ugggggg!! He is the sweetest boy ever, big heart, loves to be held and kissed on but dang if he don't drive me nuts. I'm really hoping that he is going to mature some over the summer.

They are just growing up to fast. It seems like yesterday that they were just little guys and I'm just getting older. My birthday is next week and I will be 41. I remember when Cody was born and I was only 25, gosh doesn't seem like that much time has passed.

Carol L
Mississippi Hooker

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Oh Happy Day!!!

The day has finally come that I will be free of the person I work with forever. She has found another job and is moving on. I wish her well and hope that she will do well in her new job, so well in fact that she never looks back and wants to come back to this office ever again.
My boss has surprised me and is looking at my feelings as well as what is best for the office when hiring someone. We, all three of us, want someone in here that we all get along with and will actually do some work as opposed to playing or doing someone elses work. This office has not been the same since this woman got here but that is all going to change come tomorrow morning. It will be mine for the next two weeks at least. Yes it will be very busy and I will not have much time to do anything but answer the phone and work on dockets and such plus I'm fixing the office back the way I want it. I am senior clerk hear me roar!!!! The title doesn't mean much at all except that I get the priviledge of training the new girl on day to day operations. Oh Happy Day!! I never thought this day would come!!!

On to some knitting or crocheting, I haven't done to much in the way of either. I did finish the scarf for the swap but I haven't shipped it primarly because its been rainy and I didn't want to go to the Post Office. I want to knit a bowl. A bowl to hold more yarn. Oh and speaking of yarn I am dying do you hear me o' husband of mine, I'm dying to buy some yarn. I haven't been able to buy yarn for awhile now and I'm suffering from withdrawels. If you love me you will help me out with this one. Your proceeds this weekend from your guns should really be turned over to me so that I can feed my need. You know my dear one that I have a yarn monkey on my back and there is no cure for the disease I have. Only to buy more yarn will give me my fix. That was a bit corny started sounding like a song for a second there. Hehe a song about being a yarn junkie!! Really I'm a yarn whore, Hey baby want a sock for that foot?? LOL. I think thats what I will be doing this evening I think I will knit. It's a thunderus night some good ole knitting just might do the trick.

See ya'll later
Carol L.
Mississippi Hooker

Friday, May 05, 2006

Foodie Friday

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Carol's Chilli

2lbs ground beef
2 large green peppers, diced
2 large yellow onions, diced

1 can diced tomatos, drained

2 cans tomato paste

2 cans tomato sauce (if needed)
2 tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic minced
1 large pkg of red kidney beans, soaked and cooked
or you can use Bush's Chillie Hot Beans (for my family I use about 4 large cans)
chilli powder
pinch cayenne pepper

Brown ground beef, drain. Put ground beef back on heat and add the chilli pepper, cumin, and cayenne mix well. (I do not know how much of these I use and I think there is one other spice but I'm at work and will have to look when I get home, but I will add it.) In small saute pan, heat olive oil saute peppers, onions and garlic until soft. Add vegetables to the meat and mix together. Add the cans or cooked beans and mix together. I usually add more spices until I get it the way my family likes it. I also usually fix a pan of cornbread to go with the chilli. Think I might make chilli this evening its a damp rainy day that might be good for a change.

Mississipi Hooker
Carol L.